

In the beginning, I am the Alpha and the Omega,
The Creator of all things, the divine orchestrator,
I formed the heavens and the earth with my hand,
And breathed life into creatures in all the lands.

I made the sun to shine bright in the sky,
And the moon and stars to light up the night,
I created oceans and rivers flowing with grace,
And forests and mountains with boundless space.

I fashioned the animals, each with a purpose,
And gave humans dominion, a gift without censure,
But with free will, they took a dangerous turn,
And their greed and desire made my heart burn.

They sought power and riches, at any cost,
And in their pursuit, so much was lost,
They destroyed forests, and polluted the air,
And the creatures once thriving were now rare.

Wars and conflicts, born of greed and pride,
Tore families apart, and many have died,
The earth groaned under the weight of their sin,
And my heart ached for the state they were in.

I wept for the destruction they brought about,
For the suffering and pain, there was no doubt,
This was not the world I had envisioned,
Filled with love, peace, and compassion.

I do not understand their need for more,
Their insatiable hunger, their endless war,
But still, I love them, and hold out my hand,
Hoping they will turn from their destructive stand.

I yearn for the day when they will see,
The error of their ways, and come back to me,
For I am the God of love and grace,
And I long to see them in a better place.
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