

Haunted Girl Part 2

Through the haunted house we trekked,
My friends and I, on a paranormal quest.
I yearned to save you from the darkness,
But something seemed terribly amiss.

Your unseen presence filled the air,
Sending my friend flying without care.
Your laughter echoed, wild and mad,
Filling me with dread, making me sad.

I ducked and dodged, testing my might,
Navigating barricades of dark magic's blight.
No matter how crazy your laughter rang out,
I wanted to rescue you, dispel every doubt.

This hunt was no game - the stakes were high,
As I fought to pull you from the shadows' dark lie.
Though your power unsettled and scared me so,
My resolve remained - I had to let you go.

Through the darkened halls I crept,
Holy water in hand, ready to confront the dread.
But as I approached, an unseen force
Crushed the vial, scattering the sacred liquid's course.

Undeterred, I reached for my Bible,
Hoping to find solace in its words so vital.
Yet with a mere flick, you sent it flying,
As my friend was flung away, my heart racing, crying.

Brought down to my knees, pain seared through my legs,
As you tilted my chin, your dark presence so heavy it begs.
"I don't want saving," you declared with a sneer,
"I want a new friend - one who will not interfere."

Though fear gripped my heart, a glimmer of sympathy grew,
For I sensed a loneliness deep within you.
Trapped in this haunting, perhaps forever more,
I wonder what pain or anguish you endure.
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