

the strength within
A beautiful soul with a heart made of gold
She'll light up the room with her presence alone
She'll pick you up when your feeling down
She'll make you feel happy when your feeling sad
She'll be your shoulder if you need to cry Her life is so perfect or so it seems
She'll drop everything to help someone in need
To the world she seems happy
Happy and carefree
But her inner strength can't easily be seen
She fakes a smile and pretends she's just fine
But inside she's dieing she's drowning in pain
A life full of chaos, sorrow, and pain
If only you knew you'd be quite amazed
The strength it must take to keep a smile on her face
She's been through so much you can't even imagine
She hides it so well you'd never have guessed it
How in the hell does that shit even happen
Who could do that to a child that's eleven
She was six years old when her life first turned tragic
From that moment on her life was a nightmare
To afraid to tell anyone
She didn't want no one else to get hurt
For 5 years she never said a word
Until one day that little girl broke
The pain had become to much to bear
She burst into tears and tried to explain
All the things shed went through these past few years
Forced to grow up her childhood was gone
Being strong is the only choice that she's known
Just when it seemed like things would be better
At 10 years old that shit happened again
Ane the bad just got worse when she turned 11
Again at 13 but it doesn't end there
At the age of 15 she went through more hell
It's hard to believe but thats just the beginning
The pain that's within
She holds it all in until she's all alone
And no one's around to hear her screams
She'll break down and let it all out
to lighten the load thats weighing on her shoulders
A moment of weakness When no ones around
Then she'll fight back the tears and force a smile on her face
No one will ever know the secrets
within such a beautiful soul

© sabrianna denton