

I have my quirks— I've my own code of conduct
I'm not one to stick to the strict set construct
I'm ever seeking that figural red pill
By now I'm sure you've all come to know the drill

I'm a wee bit weird— maybe a little fucked
But I'm hella skilled come the time to deduct
I'm the oddest ball— I'm a tad woo-woo-ish
If I were food I'd be a real spicy dish

Think ghost pepper or Carolina reaper
A lasting, potent hit— not a faint creeper
Picture a mixed bag with an un-ciphered tag
Muse all the speaking words one uses to brag
Ponder singular and exceedingly so
Think fervent fire meeting the ice-cold snow

I have a few Danieisms if you will
I do my many Danieisms with skill
I'll carry all my Danieisms until
I take a drawn-out dirt nap 'side a nice hill

I'm overly— uniquely me— I'm Danie
I wouldn't have it another way— you see
I'm like Google but with far funner answers
But frankly, aren't all of us true cancers?

#fullymyself #me #rhyme #confidence
© danie_af