

Sins Of Mankind
In a world stained with blood, where darkness reigns,
Violence and hatred course through our veins,
Brother turning against brother, a heart full of sin,
Where compassion is scarce, and evil lurks within.

God's words forgotten, lost in the chaos and strife,
As humanity spirals into the depths of its own strife,
Gangsters roam freely, spreading fear and despair,
While spirits weep silently, lost in the air.

Guns wielded like toys, a deadly game at play,
A dangerous weapon in hands led astray,
The rich prey on the poor, the strong on the weak,
Leaving a trail of destruction, a world so bleak.

But amidst the darkness, a glimmer of light,
A hope for redemption, a chance to make things right,
Let us heed God's call, be our brother's keeper,
And sow seeds of love instead of reaping deeper.

For in unity and kindness, we'll find our way,
To a brighter tomorrow, a brand new day,
Where compassion triumphs over hatred's might,
And we walk hand in hand, in love's pure light.
© Boris Chianimbong