

Hallelujah, Spring is Here!
(A Welcome home to Spring.)

Watching the sun creep over the horizon
Before it's even six o'clock.
Tracking each new bud on the trees,
Every morning when I go for a walk.
Feeling the overnight chill disappear,
As the sun brightens and warms,
Noticing there is not a cloud in the sky,
Good riddance to winter storms!
The daylight is growing longer each day,
Soon it will outpace the dark.
And we will hear birds sing in the trees,
And children laugh as they play in the park.
Flowers will unfold their petals,
As they look toward the morning sun.
Leaves will begin to come back to the trees,
Their declaration that Winter is done.
Fathers will pull out the old Bar- B-Que,
Packed away since the end of Fall.
Inspecting and scrubbing the grills,
In response to Springtime's call.
Windows all over the block will be flung open,
Fresh air for spring- cleaning and such.
Bicycles will be pulled out of the garage,
And the state of their safety judged.
This is the ritual performed each year,
Just as soon as the Winter skies begin to clear.
They are joyous signs and signals proclaiming,
Hallelujah! Spring is finally here!
© Linda Troxell