

Ocean Tide Haiku Collection
The ocean tides crash
Beside the Armageddon
Turning stone within

Our heaven trembles
As the waves of chaos rage
Washing over us

The world is engulfed
In a sea of destruction
Yet beauty remains

Through the stormy skies
Hope shines like a beacon bright
Guiding us through night

We cling to each other
As the tempest rages on
Love our only shield

The ocean tides ebb
And flow, a dance eternal
Life's rhythm revealed

In the midst of pain
We find solace in the waves
A balm for our souls

The Armageddon
May be near, but we endure
Together we stand

The stone within us
Hardens against the storm's force
Unyielding, unbroken

Our heaven rebuilt
From the ashes of chaos
Stronger than before

The ocean tides calm
Beside the Armageddon
A new day dawns bright

In the aftermath
We rise, like the phoenix strong
From the ashes new

And so we go forth
Into the unknown, with faith
That love will prevail

For in the end, it
Is love that will save us all
In the ocean tides.

© Words Of Anthrax