

When Pk landed on Lockdown Day.
Dedicated to Sushanth Singh Rajput in this sad occasion of his demise.

Scene.Jaggu meets Pk at prison

"So tell me more about you."
Said Jaggu.

"Arre !How did you get here by giving that paisa paper?I didn't knew it was a shortcut to get in jail...

I have so much such stickers of "old man without mask" with me.I took it from Party Office Covid Fund,where it was hoarded under table.So they didn't complain at police station..They are looking for me to cut my hands.

If I knew,I wouldn't have urinated before Inspector.He took me in for lack of public hygeine and prevention of pandemic rules."

Pk was excited to talk.

"Hurry up,tell more about Missing god.I have asked only for few minutes "
enthused impatiently curious Jaggu.

"God!Do you know where he is.When I asked a pujari he said God was in temple.The temple was closed due to Corona.Still I prayed at temple with open palms and closed eyes.An officer poured Sanitizer in my hand.He asked me to go home.

Then a man named Mulla said God was at mosque,When I went there it too was closed.The women near mosque had an additional mask of black cloth around their head.When I asked for one such mask,I was thrown out of that street.Later some officers took me to hospital for attending public gathering.

At hospital I met Dr.Rudy D'mello,he said god was at Church.I escaped with his purse of Paisa papers.I was shocked to see Church was also closed due to corona.I became angry.I badly wanted to know who this corona was.He was behind all my miseries.So I joined some protesters at street who howled " Corona Go.Go Corona "

"Why do you want to meet God?"Interrupted Jaggu.

"Because I want my remote back.I want to return back to my planet."replied Pk.

"Planet?Aren't you kidding?"Asked Jaggu.

"No,you won't believe..I am an alien."Said Pk.

"Then how could you know my language?"Asked Jaggu.

"It was truly a Herculean task.In our planet we communicate with touch.But here,I struggled to touch someone.Everyone screamed "Do social Distancing.Do not touch me...

Then I met Dancer Bhai,he was migrating to his hometown as all cultural activities were suspended by corona..He led me to the place where people didn't wore masks..One girl helped me learn this language.It was the only place where I saw people other than Policemen,health workers and mediapersonnels like you...In city Every other people are locked inside houses fearing Corona or these policemen itself..Why are policemen beating people who move out ?Who is this Corona.Why is he harming you?"

Pk looked for answer in Jaggu's confused eyes.

Comment your feedbacks and suggest ways to make it more attractive.Should I continue to a second part of this plot.I need readers response.