

Joys to fill voids
I'm so unstable and feeling so unable! 🚶‍♀️
Like my whole life's a fable.📜
Just a citcom on cox cable!
Where we meet each movie with defeat and greet the drop box with hot rocks!
Drop it off!
Top the soft!
A flick I picked. Then I clicked the romote from the sad sick coughs. Watching bodies drop took alot.
Fresh off work you smell my socks rott. Come get a woft.
A stench to beat the locks off!
It makes each caught thought that I had to spot blind Drop,bind, and block my mind from haveing to stop!
A stable soup with a ladel drooped deep in the slop.
Drip it hot from atop!
As the stock and broth mix with top labelled crops stirred in the pot!
Top picks as he grabs the spoon and licks.
Burning my tongue at the tip.
My bics flicked where hot can't stop and every slurp is a flaming shot!
Blaming the blazing cot where I laid my frowns and shot down all I've faltered.
Nobody will keep me from the alter.✝️
Where I let go of my strain.
When my sins wash down the drain.
Where my chains get altered and all
Pains are slaughtered!
I've been fathered in caught in the spin where I was washed in holy water!✝️
My praise won't alter!🙋
Every phrase to the Potter!✝️
The tune plays as he prays for the bothered.
As he is brung to a martyrs daughter.🤦
The pulpit couldn't stop her as she sung so sore. As she sprung and soared when her feet shot from the floor!✝️🤸‍♂️✝️💕✝️
Her toungues poured upon the shore.🙆
Numb and poor!
In the wake of award!
Then the waters surged past the korn where she was torn through a maze where her sorrows had formed.🙍
But the Lord held his blade and cut away the pains.
As she refrains from overspilling with the joy that came.
Phased feelings frayed as she grabs a hand of clay.
Then she shaped the light of day with the bright ways that led the fight in spite of times that grey.
She lays it on the tray and stares up to God who against all odds had spared her wicked ways and she gives her thanks!✝️📜✝️📜✝️
She deposits lockets in the bank.
As she dockets time to find where she was blank.
She has nothing but spine as she grows strong as a tank.
The enemy flanks as she opens her arms to great lengths.
Reaching the brink of defeat and teaching not to think.
But to have faith and react as if she is not afraid.
Her savior cared.
The flavor flared as she grabs more soup and shares.
She collabs against the bad and her feelings fair.
In a maze she dares to break the walls and scare!
She was seeing doubles squared pleading pairs that formed!
If a number scorns the numbers four.
Where couples coupled hold hands to crumple the devil.
Levil the blunders and revil the wonders.
Hear the trumpets horn!
As we trump it warms in the hot seat. As I speak my words are short untill court is adjourned.
Coming in hot and drumming the hunger.
Like thumping each number when you fight to slumber with sheep that fumble to leep deep into sleep.💤
Free as a kite.
You see me in flight!
Birth of the light!
God's given sight!✝️
Fury and fright I feer him right!
His fists of thunder strike!
Like a sharks mighty bite as your torn and scorned.
Only to mourn when failures are born.
I was warned as I dormed in sailors form!
Lost at sea tossed in the rifts.
My lists shift as I refuge the storm.
Rolling over I speak and pop!
Deep in sleep I rise, fall, and drop!
With watered eyes that drip cries!
Where the lost are slipped in lies at the highest cost lost in the skies!
I'm overspilling And I'll be rheeling in love untill I die!
Makeing sense less and less. So senseless with relentless tries.
So blessed I'm never not gonna try!
Then you let it fly when you pry the pine knotted lever!
With such clever design!
So you know you won't fool a debtor when you pull this letter. This page is filling up with word getting better!
Stirred in a curr as it states Stunning weather on the header. Watch the clouds set and slur. Like my words that spread wings like birds and sing with the herds!
Grazeing wheat I speak my faith and meet my fate.
Led to a lake in a funny state!
Where the swine have no feathers.
The deader my mind the more severed I feel as a regretter.
You better shine and profit words kind, unkind, and fine as the perks that shine! With each rays line that finds a source to unwind these energies of mine!
Where the word is spoke in every line, book, and letter written like I'm smitten and feeling better. As I fit the text in red and try to surely get.
We flexed spitting and picking up wrecks!
Salvation is mine by the son and the son of the one sun setter through all the drought in every weather.
Pleased we sprout on our knees when we have to be so sure and stout!
Stunned, I had to come where I had once run from!
Like bad fun with that loaded gun!
Where leaving you behind had written dotted lines!
Mind in a bind!
Where I was given aloted signs!
There I took each memory with my energies and time.
Then I'd unwind and spend a G.
Spend the Gladness that you find in me.
Caught in a madness spree where we all agree to climb. Feeling fair and being fine where I knew this joy couldn't be all mine!
I couldn't run as the boy who had just turned nine.
With dad so out of line.
I would find I couldn't avoid but surely annoy as papa played too rough and toyed.
Purely serving me a void.
Curving it when I imagined but closely lurking where the first of my sins.
Tickled, I played pretend with my bionicle to defend the fickle.
Situation in a pickle.
Grown on a vine creating stories with my mind!
May the most glorious climb!
So we too shall rise the steepest hills.
When God provides the deepest thrills.
Caught in what I feel has got me still and chill.
Cold to my will.
Pick me up with word that's real!✝️
Leading me with the shine!
Signs from the holy divine!
One foot in front I March.
Up the hill we grunt and climb.
Parched I had drunk from a cactus trunk!
Sublime as a monk breathing in the pine sharing our spunk.
Together we dunk or play like N.B.A with another ball that sunk!
Leaving me with a bent spine!
Where I was grieving from the hind.
Now there's feelings spilling with friends and turpentine.
Also we may follow each steady swallow and hollow burp. Not forgetting every slurp of wine we raced against time!
Swelling, the belly hurts!
Like a baby bump that perks your shirt.
Baby angels lurk like crazy bengals work!
So I continued to try and make sense.
While sitting on the fence.
With my feelings getting dense.
Experience the tears, cheers, fears, and suspense!
While beers, gears, trucks, and mirrors reflect and shuck away my luck.
With each jackpot drawing nearer.
Where this pack's so hot it's got my jots coming clearer!
You may call me king leer!👑
When I bring the ring to your ear!👂
Spring in song and sing so dear!🎤
The end is drawing neer.👼
As the Lord wipes another tear!✝️🙋

© loonylyrical