

Old Age home 💔
On a early morning son and old aged father crossing a road
father- where we are going son??
son- dad it was surprise!!
as the father was exciting about suprise!!
soon they reached a house
father-where we are now?? why do you taken me here,
son- don't think too much dad be glad because you will get new family here...
father understood what subtle things..
and father has clam up .....
son-registered information about her father.
and said dad this is the old age home..
they caretake you good as us...
and went....
father- whatever my son's happiness is important for me..and he stays in old age home .... 🥺
- suki💔
why should we think this so ... never we should think about it ...💔 respect your parents.. please 🙏 don't think about old Age home respect they feelings and emotions 🙏🙏❤️it's mu humble request...if you think to leave you're parents to old age home then .. when your born they also can leave you to orphanage right but why they didn't leave only because of Love❤️🙏🥺