

"Do you ever not feel good in spite of being perfectly fit ..?? A question came from the resource person standing on the stage who was especially invited to take a session on healthy lifestyle for students in school.
Almost all answers were in "Yes".
"Do you ever tried to find the reason??" He asked again.
There was a mild noise of whisper in the hall.
Many statements came from the audience.
Most of them said that it is due to lack of balanced nutritious diet. After a long interaction session, He concluded the conversation,
"Your diet is not only what you eat.
It's what you watch, what you listen to, what you read, the people you hang around.
Mental obesity is just as real as physical obesity.
Consuming junk slowly clogs the mind,
leaving us unable to pivot from thought to thought efficiently.
Eating healthy is okay, Everyone understands this fact,
but give a try to start thinking & exploring healthy thoughts along with taking healthy food, you will definitely find a new energetic version of you ."
He left the stage with so many questions for introspection for us
Sometimes a known factor conveyed in a simple yet powerful way is essential to reframe our thoughts & lifestyle.

© Geeta Dhulia