

Based on a story that influenced movies like 96.
The Whale and The Bird.

Inspired from the Classic Love...which immortalized the background score of famous Tamil-Telugu movie 96 in all those hearts where there is love.Includes Cliche-Folk story and symbolism reference,because this story exist as a Folk tale even today in the imaginary Village of Plains.

But This is an Original attempt with same prompt.Can be a bit long,if You want to skip narration,jump to the 5th paragraph .


"Agni,You should move from this city for a few days.That boys haven't recovered yet.Accompany me to the village.Its not so safe here,you can also take part in Dharthipuja rituals."

Agnivesh reluctantly agreed to his mothers advice.After all it was his impulsive behavior which led to the fight.But,he didn't think he wasn't right.Those boys of the other political party didn't had any right to levy fees from common students...anyway,he boarded the train to his motherland.

The village was celebrating the much awaited Dharthi Puja festivities.It was decorated magnificently by the farmers,rituals were conducted for worshipping mother earth who blessed them with crops.The serene atmosphere added sacrosanctity to the greenery of village.
Agni's grandfather,Prithviraj Verma was one of the richest farmers of the village,a nonchalant old man who never exposed any sort of selfish behavior to his fellow villagers.At childhood,Agni loved visiting the village,but as he grew older he became busy,and his charm and rebellious nature attracted much sort of different life..contrasting the calm pace of village life.

As he saw the riverbank which also exists in his good memories,he remembered his grandfather saying tales about the melliflous melodies made in sudden sallies of the rivers race...and the subtle sounds of wind from high above the mountains which protected the village,that seamlessly aligned to sublime symphony of river.He remembered the folk story...Of love..of bloodshed...of heartbreak... of Hera(Name of the Godess of Air in Greek(European) mythology) and her Salsaal(meaning pure water in Islamic nomenclature).

Hera D' Souza ...the gorgeous princess and a sweet singer of the land up above the mountains.She sung like a Bird.The Land was under the rule of Portuguese invaders,travellers who did business in the plains,valleys,who were closer to the emperor of plains who donated the land for business purposes and ease of administration.These exotic people worshipped air,it was wind that decided the path of their voyages in ships,in oceans and rivers ...And the land was blessed by wind...the land breathed in those boons.The king wished to marry off her daughter to someone from native island.The king planned to hand over his powers and move back to his own country for handing over his daughters hand to someone there.

He planned to sell his final goods in the valleys and the river basin inhabited by farmers.As it was the final journey,he heed to Hera's wish to travel in the river.The transport systems in the river were the monopoly of Persian men,who came to work for army,and to learn war strategies in alliance with soldiers of the plains.Salsaal Ahmed was one of the young mighty men who rowed canoes across the river.He was a great swimmer strong like a Whale ,and a pure person at heart,like placid waters.So,the head of Persian men assigned the responsibility to Salsaal of taking the kings family across the river.

In the middle of the river,a strong wind infuriated the mighty river.Fear struck Portuguese passengers,the kings family prayed the god of Air to calm down,while Salsaal prayed ardently to his god,water.Hera was thrown to river by a violent wave and Salsaal jumped into the river in order to rescue her.Salsaal swam against the mighty wind which pulled him back.Hera was almost unconscious when she was rescued.

The king promised a feast for Persian men in return for saving his family's life.Hera and Salsaal got to know each other in the function.As the men bid farewell for visitors to the mountain,Hera and Salsaal understood a deep parting between them.Suddenly Torrential Downpours accompanied by thunderous hurricane started uprooting the mountain.Salsaal was thrown away by strong wind,and he leaned for life,climbing up the cliff.Hera pulled him up besides heavy downpour.Hera saved Salsaal's life.

After the cyclones,Portugese Sailships were destroyed,and the king had to wait for two more months to get his things right.Meanwhile,Salsaal became a frequent visitor to the mountains,disguised as one of the slaves of Portuguese sailors when they came to plains for business.Hera sung melodious Portuguese folk music and Salsaal hummed with his audacious voice.

The song also ringed in the ears of kings men.The king ordered to imprison Salsaal.This led to bloodshed between two communities.In the meantime,Hera saved Salsaal from prison and asked him to escape.,and that they shouldn't unite because it was against the fate.Salsaal said he couldn't live without Hera's music.Hera said she couldn't sing without Salsaal's humming.,but fate had other plans that they should find partners among their own clans.,to sing and to hum.

The bloodshed was almost over,but tensions still existed between the two groups .Salsaal went back to the riverbank with Persian army .But he couldn't hold for long.He infiltrated Portugese merchant groups from river to see Hera.There he discovered that Hera left to River Bank with another band of Persian soldiers secretly,to meet Salsaal.Strong wind started shaking the mountains,and Salsaal slipped from the mountains ,without no one to pull him up.Meanwhile,the river attacked Hera's canoe and threw her to River.,no one could save her.

The villagers of plains believe that the sweet call of the river like that of a crying bird ,is the song of Hera and the whistling from mountains in the form of wind like a moaning whale ,are humming of Salsaal.

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