

It's Waiting
"Even though I walked through the valley of the shadow of death, "I breathe in and out. I try my best to remember the words that comfort me on many occasions. I despised the dark, especially when I knew it fed off of it. I could feel its eyes on me, stalking me like prey. The nightfall couldn't hide the goosebumps that were beginning to rise on my arm. I felt its eyes swallowing me up.

"I will fear no evil," my lips shook as I said the words. Its breathing reached my ear, fast and loud, the pattern drum in my ear.

I knew I was on its time that it owned my fears. I knew it was coming for me. I began to walk faster as my heels echoed in the darkness. The slightest sound made me jump, made my heart skip a beat.

"For you are with me," I bit my tongue. I knew any minutes it could come and take me. It was the puppet master controlling my every move. I knew there was nowhere to run, nowhere to hide.

"Your rod and your staff, they comfort me," I said, feeling my anxiety getting lower. I smiled as the words comforted me the same as they did when I was a child.

The wind whistle in my ear,"I'm still waiting."

picture from Pinterest
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