

u r still in my memories.. CH 5...
CH 5
FOR the further clarification next day I went to her home.when I am below the apartment gate I saw her ..their is a cute small puppy to whom she was feeding some biscuits..
I slowly went near to them ..
she turn around and look at me for a second then look back again and continue her own work...
I ask her" u can show feeling for this dog , u can show ur care for that puppy but when ever u look at me u did even show a piece of emotion ,Why??"
she replied me without turning back" I showing her care becoz he is a dog , if he became a human being I will never so any thing to him" ..
I suddenly yell at her with a loud voice " that's the thing I am asking ,Why??
Why? ..u can prefer dog than a me !!!am I that much useless for u???"
she turn around and told me with calm voice"its not like that u r useless but I don't have interest in human emotion ,u can consider me as a orphan. after a decade its the first and last time i am explaining my self not , plz stay away from me i am not suitable for the pharse as so called loving careing relationship, so leave me alone now i already made it clear to u that i dont love u .before u try to love me first show ur capacity , i am giving u a 5 year stand away from the crowd and becamd a famous artists then i will considef it ..
Abhi, dont waste ur time on me"she told me and left from my sight and I am standing their like stone pillar
after few minute I regain my sense and
I am surprised my self ..
I never ever listen to my parent but
today for the first time in my life i heard a bride lecture from her....
but some how I think she was correct .....
I still need my own identity ..
Then only I can deserve her..
so I decide to pursue my goal and dream first then only I will pursue
I walk away from her apartment building and at that moment I decide to gain my identity first.....
one day I will return and I will announce u as my woman when I came back with my own identity....
- little z