

Fairytale Love
In my childhood fairytale
I thought my love story would be like that.
Still don't know the meaning of true love
Need you, my precious love.

I want to travel into another world
Meet you for a second time,
My fairytale love story, but
Still don't know the meaning of true love.

In the cold wind of summer,
My heart beats fast as I saw you.
I run towards you, to hug you
Stop as you smile brightly to...a girl who was running and hugged you.

I was lost for a moment
Our eyes meet,
Give you my sweetest smile
But gave me a cold stare.
Smile faded away as you leaves with your new love.

Dumbfounded in the center of the street.
Still confuse,
Why would this happen?

Days, months.....years past
Say hi to each other as we meet in a coffee shop,
I'm not selfish if I say, I moved on.
Smile back as you smile at me.
Saw a sadness in your eyes feels me uncomfortable.

I turn my back and left the coffee shop.
I was about to open the door but someone stop me.
I slowly lift up my head and saw your face field with tears.

I become stiff for a moment,
Trying to sink in with what you have said.
I do one step backward and say directly to your eyes,
"I moved on".

© A.G