

Love Finds You
"What's love?", I asked myself that day. I thought about it for a long time because of I was unable to answer it myself. I asked them, and they told me, "We cannot explain love. It is better felt than said." So I went in search of love. But all I got was lust, money and greed in the clothing of love. I went to them again. They laughed and told me, "You don't find love. Love finds you." So, I waited patiently for love to find me. "You're wasting time", people said. But I believed in them and waited.

Then, one ordinary day, he walked into my life. We bumped into each other at the bookstore and apologized and made talks about the weather. It wasn't love at first sight. I never believed in them. It was love at first conversation. Slowly, like a book, pages began to turn, and by each page, we started loving each other even more.

Our love was far from perfect. He was flawed and so was I. We fought, disagreed but underneath it all was a strong bond that could unite us. That's when I realised love was just unreal on fairytales.

"Love hits you on the most unexpected moments. You don't find love, love finds you", they said to me that day.
© Aurora Bridston