

Importance of Books
What do we know about books ? I hope you all love to read books . But those who dont love , what about them ?? well , in this paragraph I am going to tell you the best things about books . And those who dont love to read books , they will also now love to read books . Okay , now what thing , and what topics come in your mind, when you think about books ?? okay , let me tell you . There are so many types of book in this world . Horror, romantic , suspense , detective and many more . We cant even think , how interesting the topics are in books . But wait , some bad energies are also there in the book , if the book is horror , or the book does not include good topic . You should not at all read the books , which are not good at all , because when you think about horror books , then you do not feel good . Yes , it is true that peoples love to read books which contain entertainment. But that does not means , that the book is horror , then it is of entertainment . No . Okay , now I told you about the negative things of books. Actually, the books are not negative but sometimes some books are negative . Okay , some positive things are that - you should read the books which always gives you knowledge and it is of proper means . For example- read the books of Universe , read the books which specially give you moral after every story . If you will read this books , there may be many changes in your life . But there are some people which really do not love to read books . As I said above, people actually really do not love to read books . For them I have a story . Let's begin with the story .
Once upon a time in a village , a boy lived name Ramesh . He was not at all loving books . When some of his friends , or some elder give him a book , he usually used to throw the book. Now his mother was in a big tension , that when he will learn to love books . So then , she though an idea . She went to the school and dropped every book of his school . And in some days , she also dropped her school . Then one day , he cried a lot and requested to his mother that dont drop my whole education. He said that ' I will study mom , I will read books and everything what you wants . The mother became very happy listen this . So she again mahe him join to the school , and he was changed . Actually , his mother did not dropped everything , but did a prank to change him . So what is the moral ?? friends that we should always love to read books . If books are not there , we are definitely not going to have an proper means of education. So remember my thing. Always love to read books .

Thankyou .