

I was woken up by the chirping of birds, I opened my eyes as my found myself staring into the nothingness. I opened my eyes and I can't see a single colorful thing instead I am surrounded by darkness.

Yes, darkness has always been my companion in this world. I forgot what the nature looks like and how beautiful it is. I used to ignore this things before when sight wasn't taken away from me yet, I ignored it not knowing that I will never be able to throw a glimpse of it again.

I heard faints sounds coming from the outside of the room then I heard creaking sounds and it seems like someone has opened the door. My instinct was confirmed when I heard the voice of my sister telling me that she will be out for a few hours. After that I heard the creaking sound of the door letting me know that my sister got out of the room already.

I was left alone again.

Alone with my thoughts and this darkness that seem envelops my whole surrounding.

I felt so neglected after I chose to sacrifice my own sight just so she can have her own. She's now a successful writer and she's always busy with her fan meetings and book signing leaving me all alone in this house like some sulking brokenhearted guy.

She is a writer at least that's what everyone believes.

I was the one at fault when that accident happened causing her to lose her eyesight. I took away the most important thing from her and it's like I'm draining her happiness the moment she got blind. There was never a day that I didn't blamed myself for what happened to my dear sister. I've witnessed how she suffered and how it made her emotionally weak.

And so, I had decided to give her the thing that was taken away from her as a peace offering for her and my conscience.

Before I gave to her I took one last glance to everyone and everything as a sign of bidding farewell to their images as I embrace darkness on my own freewill.

After I gave her my sight I asked her if she could write a book for me. The words in every pages is my very own and not hers but I let her own my ideas knowing that it might sound ridiculous if they find out that the writer is blind.

My sister is not the writer, I am.
© ophelia's