

Brighter days
I'm so thankful that I'm alive ..I wake up every morning with gratitude in my heart for my Messiah Jesus Christ because I was almost not going to be ..since I experienced a near death experience.

It was a difficult experience as I had to be put on a ventilator ..due to a serious life threatening medical condition ..that I had ...called fat embolism.

It took a miracle from God to save my life ..as those who suffer from this ..never make it out alive ..but I'm so honoured to say that I survived because of my belief in Jesus.

Twenty years had now passed and I still reflect upon those days ..how God saved my life when I was almost on the verge of dying ...Jesus is a miraculous God...What he did for me.. by saving my life is immense and I'm so overwhelmed..I'm so thankful.

I do experience brighter days now ...I'm thankful because I'm lucky to be alive. My advice to you is never lose hope ..in life for God's the answer to your problems. Brighter days will await those of you ..who are facing turmoil..May God shine His light upon your life as well ..the way He did for me...May His love radiate upon you always ...Nothings the end of the world ..Don't feel your problem to be so immense ..because God's got your back.