

The toughest tourney: on a journey to Harare

A #WRITCO series

As he was an intelligent man, Gibson had thought of a brilliant idea. That he could start walking from his house at two o’clock in the morning to the station, and wait for the bus to arrive at five o’clock that same day.
The next two days were spent on planning and drafting on how he would start his small business. He was also planning on how to sell his goods.
The day of the journey arrived, and his wife did not go to work since she needed to help her husband prepare. Maria had to prepare food that Gibson was going to eat while on the bus. It was her busy day and the worst part of it was that she was going to be left alone.
On that night she said to her husband,
“Good bye my dear, do not let the city destroy you. Do not forget us and I know you’re a brave man.”
Maria was afraid because she once heard that when a man goes to the city he completely forgets his family and everything behind. Gibson replied, “Okay, don’t worry I’ll be responsible but please do take care of our son.”
He did not have much to say but was glad that he was going to work and support his family. He left when everyone was asleep and walked for about seven kilometers from his house to the station; no one was there at the bus stop. He prayed asking God to protect him and soon after finishing his prayer. He decided to have a sleep while waiting for the bus to arrive. In his dreams he saw an angel wearing white clothes. The angle said to him with a big voice, “My son I do not have much to say but I was sent to show you the where to live; now listen and see.” The angel showed him a house in Dzivarasekwa which he wanted him to go and rent. The angel went on to say, “Don’t forget your God, Almighty, he’ll always be with you forever.”
When the angel finished talking, he disappeared in Gibson’s dreams. Soon after that Gibson woke up and soon thereafter the bus arrived. He boarded the bus which headed to Mbare station where he took another one to Dzivarasekwa suburbs. As a person who did not know the suburbs well, he asked the driver to drop him at Dzivarasekwa street number one.
When he arrived the bus driver courteously told Gibson that he had arrived at his destination. He alighted from the bus; and went straight to the house which he had been shown by the angel. He got there and spoke to the owner of the house buy telling him that he was directed at that homestead. Gibson was told the rent amount and given a room.
The following day, he told his landlord the whole story of his journey. He also asked his landlord Mr Tau for help as to where he was going to buy and sell his goods.
Tau gave him the way to the wholesale. They got there while the shop was about to close. He speedily bought the stock that he treasured. On their way returning home Tau had given him a way of merchandising which could give him something that he would appreciate in a day. That he would be moving around the whole town selling.
Tau asked Gibson, “Would you like the idea.”
“Yes I would,” he replied. “So which day would you choose to start off?”
Because he did not have another option, he replied;
“I prefer the next morning, sir.”
Before long, they reached home and Tau told his wife to cook for Gibson since he did not have enough to cook for himself.
While the food was being prepared, Tau told Gibson that when he was of his age, life used to be extremely difficult for him. Sometimes he could not have food and money to take his children to school. Everything was a struggle. Sometimes when he was given some peace jobs for food, he would give his children his wife and himself were hungry. No one was there for and some days he wondered why he was living in this world.
He further told Gibson that someone came and motivated him saying that he was special, and that he will be able to defend himself in the obstacles that he will meet in life. He should continue with his journey, and he departed.
The following morning Gibson went to sell his goods for the first time. He spent the whole day roaming around the streets in town. No one bought anything; they all said that they did not have money. He returned home with everything he had. Gibson spent more than four consecutive days with nothing having been bought.
He decided to tell his landlord the challenges he was facing in his business venture. Mr.Tau advised him to leave hawking and try something different. Tau told him that he had a friend who had a thatching company nearby. Immediately he called his friend telling him that he had a thatcher’s assistant who needed a job. His friend agreed with him and said that he needed him the same day.
Speedily the landlord gave Gibson a bicycle and directed him to the company. He rode the bike as fast as could. When arrived he was introduced to the other laborers and he was told the amount of wages they would be getting. It was a good amount of money to him but also a restless job.


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