

orpheus and his wife
Orpheus was a thracian bard, a singer, a legendary musician and poet. His talents were so mystical, so magical that even the God's and Godesses would stop to listen to him. small crickets would stop their chirping and the wind would lay still, silence its howling.

On a bright, cloudless day, Orpheus layer his eyes on the most beautiful woman he had seen in his lifetime. Her hair was as soft as a birds feather and her eyes glistened, shon bright like the sun. it was love at first sight. They had fallen head over heels for eachother, wanting to have a long and happy life together, they decided to marry.

The woman, Eurydice walked through the long grass of the feild on their wedding day, taking in the sight of nature, the day just like the one which her and Orpheus met. With memories of the two flooded through her mind,in the very bloom of her life, a viper slid across the grass, fatally biting her on the ankle.

Orpheus sang his grief, the mountains moved and the trees bowed at his sadness, Humans and God's felt deep sympathy for the poor man, watching his very heart break, shatter to shards.
He was determined to get his wife back to the mortal land.

"I shall go to the underworld, and get my one true love back in my arms" he thought.

Through the mountains he had moved and the trees he had made bow, Orpheus walked through the underworld, seeing the lost souls aimlessly floacting as if they were underwater. he walked and walked till his feet ached and his knees shook, but he finally met Hades and his wife Persephone.

He collapsed to his shaking knees and lay his hands to Hades feet, begging to have his wife back to live their life together.

Hades had watched the poor poets wife die before his eyes, yet he was reluctant to make this favour. Persephone looked to Hades with sorrow in her eyes, feeling bad for him on his hands and knees, begging with all his might.

Hades told the man to rise. So he did.
"You may have your wife back, however, on a condition. You have to trust that she will always follow behind you whilst you walk through this underworld and back to the surface where the green grass grows. You can not look back, if you do her soul shall be lost for eternity."

Orpheus agreed and thanked Hades, feeling his heart in his throat, he began his walk through the underworld to the surface. As Hades promised, his wife followed but Orpheus could not see her, he had to keep his eyes ahead.

He grew more nervous with every step he took, one after the other, each breath growing more shallow. He had finally reached so close to the surface, he was relieved and full of joy, he looked back at his wife, his beautiful wife to see that she really was behind him all that time.

The darkness ripped her from his arms, her hands reaching out, trying to touch his face but she could not. She was taken into the sea of lost souls, lost forever in the underworld. All as Orpheus watched, helplessly as he seen his wife get ripped away from him once more.

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