

The . Nature

The natural world is filled with beauty that has inspired people from the beginning of time.

When the beautiful morning comes
The rays of rising sun kiss her
It's the sea and the sky,

Like a rain-cloud of July
hung low with its burden of unshed showers

Nature is a desire.
Nature is an expression.
Nature is an experience

let all my mind bend down at thy door in one salutation to thee.

The bitter hostility of the sky and the trees
Nature has taught her creatures to hate

Nature is beautiful
nature is fun
love it or hate it
nature is something to love

The breathing flowers, the forest-buds unfurl'd,

Are not the expanded seedlings that we ween,

If nature has the ability to protect us, it is also powerful enough to destroy the entire mankind.

But sweet transfigurations from the world
That lies within the seen.

It is one of the greatest blessings for human life

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