

intimacy of a kiss

In the quiet realm where two souls converge,
A kiss unfolds, an intimate surge.
Lips gently brush, in a dance so tender,
A symphony of emotions, a moment to remember.

With eyes closed, hearts open wide,
The world fades away, as passion takes stride.
In that sacred space, where time suspends,
A kiss ignites a fire that never ends.

Soft and sweet, or full of desire,
A kiss speaks volumes, sets hearts on fire.
It whispers secrets, shared between two,
A language of love, known by just a few.

A gentle graze, a lingering touch,
A kiss that conveys emotions so much.
In that connection, bodies entwined,
A universe of sensations, beautifully defined.

The taste of longing, the scent of desire,
In that intimate kiss, souls transpire.
A moment of vulnerability, vulnerability shared,
A bond that deepens, a love declared.

So cherish the intimacy, the magic of a kiss,
For in that simple act, true love exists.
It speaks of passion, of connection so deep,
In the intimacy of a kiss, forever we keep.
