

History with hidden mystery 2
He had a problem that he used to fear to the snakes because he saw snake killing people along with his grandfather in his dream daily. That made him to hate snakes. He had a mark on his back as his grandfather.But none of his family members knew about that mark . Whenever a snake see that mark ,it used to run away . She used to get startled .But whenever his parents offer snake anything he used to scold his parents that these snakes kill innocent people and what are you doing ? .His parents tried to convince him a lot but he couldn't convince.
They tried everything that they can do to make him believe in snakes. But no they failed.
At last something flashed their mind and they took their son to the old sage near the mountains and told the sage everything .Sage asked Vishnu -Why did he hate snakes ?.He answered that everyday in my dream these snakes come and kill people along with my grandfather .And it's true that my grandpa was killed by the snake itself .
So I don't like snakes.And even he told the incident that when a snake saw his back ,it ran away . The sage listened to everything but was curious about the last thing Vishnu said to him .
Guys what may be special about that mark ? Comment your answers .
Hope you all liked it .😀