

Blue Water
Once upon a time there was a girl who is very thirsty. She doesn't have any water carried with her. One man pass by and he said, "Hi there! You look very thisty. Here I braught some water with me. Have a drink." The man opened his bag to get his bottle of water. Oh thank you very much. I'm so happy that I saw you here said the girl. You're welcome! the man replied. After this the man continued in walking to go to the place he will go. The girl continued too in walking to the opposite direction. While she's walking, she saw a well and she stopped there for a while. She thinks of finding a way to carry some water with her. She looks around the well to see if there are anythings she can use as a container. As she looks around, she saw a big blue bottle. She the putted some water in it then continued in walking.

As she walk, she saw a little girl who's very thirsty because of the heat of the sun. She opened the battle and gave her some water. The little girl said thank you. So she said youre welcome. The little girl continued in walking similar to her.

The sun is getting dark so, she have to move faster to went back home. After a few minutes she reached their home. She saw a flower whose slowly dying with dried leaves. She poured all the water to the flower. After a few days the plant have many more flowers that have different colors. Many small butterfly's are flying around the flowers. One butterfly landed to one of the petals of the flower. Her wings are very dissimilar from others. It has a color similar to the water which she poured the last time. This butterfly always fly around the flower. Everyday when the girl pour water, the butterfly always watches her. One day, the butterfly left their house. She went to the top of another plant. One man is moving close with a big bottle. He watered the plant not knowing that the butterfly was there. The water dropped to the wings of the butterfly and then many more droplets dropped to her whole body. The butterfly began to cry for she is about to die with water whose color is similar to her. The man went back to their home. A few minutes after, the butterfly passed away. One butterfly saw her. She called the other more butterflies then, they all cried. One older butterfly said, "My little blue butterfly you have finished your mission here. You are now ready to go to our paradise. Just wait there. We'll be together soon. We love you our little blue butterfly."
© Ruakh