

40#. Hope
Sometimes I don't really know where to go. Sometimes I feel so lost inside myself. For some reason, I always manage to find myself again. From the moment I was born, I was fighting depression. My mood works in two ways: depressive and happy. I don't know anything in between. I find it hard to control myself when my moods are constantly changing. Sometimes I see things in black and white, but I want to see all the colors of the rainbow. Sometimes life is hard and crappy, but it's always good to continue. The sun is always there when the world is clouded. Every sunrise gives hope, and every sunset takes it away. Nobody said life would be easy. Life is hell most of the time; that's the reality we live in. Discomfort is our normal daily bread. We just need to deal with it. We can rest when we're on our deathbeds. Where there is life, there will always be hope. Hope is the perk of being human. If people lack hope, they are like living bodies without souls. Our purpose is to give events purpose and live our lives with questions.

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