

Life is too short to think small.
A city blessed abundantly with the gift of nature, has now lost everything in just the blink of an eye. Poverty is now overtaking their wealth into a devastating end in both the market and economy.
Their lost was due to their shallow thoughts and mentalities.
They dream small, sleep all day long when their peers are working hard doing what is worth implementing not knowing that what you wake up and find is not yours. If you don't make good use of it, safeguard and put it into productive use, it will be taken away from you in just at a snapped and rewarded to the great thinkers whose dreams are beyond the size and inhabitants of the ocean.
The renowned city is now at the mercy of the great thinkers. Their movement, their steps, their craps, their food, they no longer have a place of standing in the world.
Poverty is now their denomination and title. Like a serpent poison, indigence ( poverty) spread round their household bit by bit. They have turned against one another in search of survival, they are no less than cats and dogs. Selfishness has filled the hearts of many like the trees planted in the forest. There is no room for selfless act as everyone is toiling to make ends meet.
They have no standards and reputation to uphold. They are now following the trails that others left behind. Guess what it is? It's nothing much. Their dignity is now reduced to ashes and their pride under the feet of the smallest creeping creatures. They are now dropped jilted and shunned by the masses. Their stomachs are empty making noises of different kinds, their throats as dried as the desert, their flesh shrink as a withered flower. Their shelters is always under the sun, they wish for death but never knocked at their doors.
Day and night they cry for an emancipator to lift up the burden off their sleeves and liberates them. Opportunities comes but only the wise grabs it.
© #Andia