

Life Is A Mystery
Life, they say, is a mystery. You can't get it all, there are going to be wrongs.
Even if you observe the mistakes of others, it can't completely save you from yours.
Because we are unique humans, even if our bodies look alike.
You can't tell what will workout or not.
You can't tell if your decision is the best of not .
You don't which path will be successful or not.
You don't know which is the best for you.
Neither do you know.
Which won't workout for you.
Take the first step and leave the rest.
A step at a time, as the saying goes.
life is a mystery that we all can't resolve.
It's a mystery, that we all liven in .
Slowly and surely, with your inputs and mine.
We can carve a better world for all.
© Toobrightanthony