

'Human nature is such that, even if the Himalayas are turned to gold, it would not be enough.'
Human desire is boundless. There is no limit to it. There is no end to our pursuit of it. If there is something we want, we save our money in order to acquire it. But once we acquire it, we soon want something else or something better. And so we desire more and more money.
Life can be seen as being about doing what we want, working hard at what we're good at, and making some kind of contribution to society. And we can make some money for doing that. But we do not live for money.
Those who know satisfaction, even when lying on the ground, are still comfortable and at ease. Those who do not know satisfaction, even if rich, are poor.
If you live your life thinking, 'I have plenty,I am grateful,' even if your home is modest and your meals simple, then you will be rich in spirit. But if you live your life thinking,'I will never be satisfied with what I have,' even if you live in a mansion and indulge in extravagant meal, then your spirit will remain parched.
You can buy all the brand -name items you want, but you will never be satisfied. When the next new one comes out, you will be distracted by need to have it - some people even to the point of committing a crime for it. This can become a miserable existence.
If you pay no attention to brands, you will be satisfied only the things that please you, and when you use them well, you will grow even more fond of them, and you won't be distracted by all the products competing for your attention.
So, will you be one who knows satisfaction, or one who can never be satisfied?
Which path will you choose?

© Shagun