

Sometimes, when we suffered pains, we think God a mistake by asking why this, why me, why now. Always why, why, why? But lemme tell you this experience.

I was in the hospital one day and saw a mother brought in her child who was sick. And as the doctor brought out injection 💉, the boy ran to his mother crying "Mummy help me, help me. I don't want injection, its painful, pls don't let him harm me, Mum" But the mother instead hold him for the doctor and the injection was administered on him. After that, the mother said, "SORRY MY SON, TRUST IN MY LOVE, IT IS FOR YOUR OWN GOOD" That quickly reminds me of God and us.

The doctor in the story, is the world, the injection is the pains and sufferings of the world, the boy is us (Christians) and the mother is God.

Sometimes, like that little boy when faced by pains and suffering in this world, we ran back to God, crying help, help. But sometimes, God, like the mother of the Boy, allow us the torture of the pains and sufferings of this life with a saying: "TRUST IN MY LOVE ❤️, WHAT I PERMIT YOU TO SUFFER NOW MAY NOT MAKE SENSE TO YOU NOW BUT ITS FOR A PURPOSE".

This how God deals with our present predicaments, sufferings and pains. Trust in his love, he died to save you so he can't allow you suffer if it is not for a purpose.
© Dum Simon Delox