

Part 2–Whisper of Time–Chapter 5–Memories

At lunch on the mattresses from communal room orphans are forced to sleep almost 2 hours. Then to return to the class, where a teacher struggle to teach them to write or read or other things. Most prefer to get into troubles rather to deal with a frog, who always talk about the same things. If not here, then to wash floors or to help in the kitchen for a week. Where, at least Firemouth is friendly, even though his food is like swills. The punisment seems to be much attractive than an dark, improvised classroom with a crazy Frog. if he caught you with a mistake you had to write the correct answer until he was satisfied. The little blisters become your friends on the buckle, very loyal, always ready to jump for you. Now, someone who wanted to jump, but not only, was Greta, smaller and meaner than anyone. She became the enemy of Mey, the newcomer, staying by Ethan in the attic. She walked among the mattresses to look for her favorite victim, holding her precious weapon by the tail. The little mouse squealed begging for freedom, but she would let it after she had accomplished her mission and the tyrant would be satisfied. She has no luck and heads for the castle, where Sleeping Beauty is sure to be there.
It's curious how Caroline is no longer present, especially since hoe deep is her jealousy. Phew, if you leave, you lose the place of honor.
One step and the owls detected the delicious prey in a second. But, she manages to fall on the stairs, and Ethan from the threshold, on the verge of laughing:

–Did you want to bring a snack to the owls?

–Grrrr, it's not your business.

–Then leave until I order them to attack you.

–I don't care! You and your stupid animals smell like death.

–Nice, now you smell too since you are touching corpses.

–The mouse was alive! A perfect snack for you.

–Fried it and then we can talk.

–Disgusting! You make me to throw up!

–Do you want a lemon to be ok?

–Shut up! Where is Mey?

–Hidden with some jam jars.

–Do I look like a bodyguard?

–On her first day, you threw yourself like a hero to save the lady.

–You imagined you were the lady, right?

With a tomato face, tense, she walked away, and Ethan breathes a sign of relief, looking at the heap of pillows and blankets, where Mey was sleeping with no worry. She was better, her wounds had healed within a few months. Even though she always manages to hit them when they are almost better closed. It gave Honey some work. The god performed a miracle that she no longer luxuriated anything. He imagined a place, remoted, far away from the orphanage, nestled under a linden tree, staying there all day, to gather there known and unspoken dreams. Ethan, slightly irritated at hearing more footsteps by the door he looked through the keyhole. He saw a bucket of earthworms, not too big, collected after a rain. His nervousness drained away. Knowing that the owls adore earthworm a lot.
Caroline put the bucket down, letting her exhausted hands to rest. The little owls, growning up managed to eat aloen, it was no longer necessary to cut their worm in two. Ethan has been taking care of them since they hatched. Rather careless parents left the eggs in the grass, cold. Probably a miracle saved the life of abandoned, orphaned, alone in the world. Once in his possession they were unidentifiable as they could be reptile or bird eggs. Only a bird atlas, received before being brought here, calmed the waters. There was so much joy and all that was needed was animals around. The girl's pleasant feeling quickly dissolved into deep-seated jealousy for the White-Haired. She wouldn't team up with Greta. She wasn't going to play a stupid game of cat and mouse. Jealousy would dictate to her to throw herself into the fire, to utter a spell out loud to destroy everything.
A small earthquake shook the orphanage and the cause was a wind blown by the director, it smelled, and Scissors is free today and is not there to help him. However, the commotion was caused by the orphans who rushed down to the ground floor, being greeted by an army of people dressed in white. Caroline, Ethan, and Mey exchanged stunned glances at each other until an orphan, Tim or Tom, whose exact name was not known, informed them better. He spent most of his time in the kitchen, keeping abreast of menu changes. Firemouth was after him as if he were his son and was going to become a great chef.

-What we see now will be our new kitchen staff and caretakers for a few weeks.

–That's great! Real food for our poor stomachs.

–Without entering the kitchen illegally.

–Pff, are we going to miss him or not?

–A little, but who doesn't want royal treatment?!

They agreed and orphans were called to help move things and trash from everywhere. Whole sacks were swallowed by a big green monster controlled by a fat guy. He friendly shook a hand and they flocked to him. They showed interest, great need, in the monster called the garbage truck. They were curious why the machine didn't bite him. His reaction consisted of a smile and demanded that the tines of the metal box be moved. The fat man said that the car has become his good friend since it feeds him waste. The good mood disappears when the caretakers rushed them in, arming them with mops, rags, buckets with soap. No one protested anymore, the job had to be done, and that involved work. Little by little, their efforts paid off and the place was transformed in a single day into the impossible that meant cleanliness. Mey was struggling not to stumble over the mop, but she wasn't having much luck and bumped into a redheaded member of staff.

-Easy! He exclaimed, grabbing her arms and help her to get up off the floor. Mey was ashamed. The main reason was that someone unknown had shown her a hint of humanity. Often people ignore everyone and doesn't matter if someone breaks their head on the pavement. She murmured a shy thank you. Next to her Caroline appears with wide eyes, ready for a round of teasing.

–Mey, don't lose your chance.

–I don't want to leave without you and Ethan.

–She is right, said Ethan from his right.

–Mey, don't lose your chance!

–Damn, my only friends want to
get rid of me!

–Mey! Of course not! We think that everyone deserves a better place, with better people!

–Here isn't good? That we are friends?

–With a true friendship..

–Always can be better and it's not wrong to dream and to have a hope for it.

–If life gave you a chance to change your life for good, don't hesitate.

–It sounds selfish, Mey commented, wanting to shatter Caroline's idea.

–It need this too. No one will die.

–I die and you two come to the funeral and I hope you don't argue about why I died.

Here they burst out laughing, saying that there would be no need. They wouldn't allow Mey to go to the other world.

Her friends' words stuck in her head until the work was over. The reward was steaming donuts with sugar on them, too good.

© BlairAmy
#fun #joy #jealousy #work #friends #laugh #hope