

page from my notebook
A few days ago I met someone who asked me a question. A question, I so deeply hesitated to answer. The question she asked was 'So Who is darakhshan? '. At first, I thought of all those things I despised about myself. As I began to answer a huge lump surged forward in my throat.. Out of all the things you could shed tears on, you decide to do it on something as simple as a question. Truth is, No one had really asked me this. Heck, not even myself. So, I told her I don't know....Maybe I never tried to get to know myself. I was just busy self sabotaging. I was just busy hiding myself in corners. Under sheets. The question however was thought provoking and I began answering despite my inability to. I told her darakhshan had been robbed of trust. Darakhshan is an emphathiser. Darakhshan is dauntless and a bit scared too. Darakhshan thinks of herself as a protagonist. Darakshan sometimes also loses controls over her emotions and they tend to get the best of her. But she is proud of herself regardless! ✨