

Broken Writer
Maturity to love, they think they have reached it a lot, but they have actually learned to hurt... These are the people who have small thoughts and small happiness in their heads, their thoughts are as simple as themselves, they are guided to their small happiness therefore they are unhappy, their harm is one of the greatest for people who aim for great things and great goals, they seem unattainable to them. Nothing is as it seems, so does it matter if it causes a problem, does it matter what opinion you have if it caused pain to the person you love, I may not be the smartest and certainly far from the most beautiful, but only for one tear of the person whom I love, I would set the world on fire, I would fight with the biggest demons and the devil himself, I would oppose the creator, oh who can understand that love, certainly not the ignorant and the woman who is looking for attention and small happiness, love for them is child's play that's why they have that life of apparent happiness.... But this is just the pain of a broken writer don't take it seriously.

© DarkPoet