

Enchanted treasure chest
The old, treasure chest lay exposed when the storm retreated. With curious I went near the chest and found that there was nothing to open the box .As I turned it ,I found that it opens by a spell.I searched for the clues around and I found something attached to the chest .I took it and inside there was a paper having something on it.I took the paper and started reading it. It was written that this is valuable chest and it belongs to poor people of that village and also written that the spell is on the other side of the paper and only a villager can spell it and take the treasure. At the bottom of the page I found a seal and it seemed to be of a king. I was so curious to know what's inside the box .So I chanted the spell.
The storm started all of a sudden and I felt something is holding me .As I turned , I saw only hands which held my dress so tightly . I was all alone and I was so scared and I started to scream in that river side .As I started screaming the hands took me to the sky and it got disappeared.I fell down and was unconscious.
I woke up and felt so painful .I looked around .I couldn't find the chest and the paper.As I tried to stand up ,I heared a voice .I looked around and couldn't find anyone. Now I heard someone laughing . After a while again I heard the voice that - I know that you are not a villager but I had mentioned that only the villagers can open it. Since you tried to open it .Your condition is this and now it's not visible to as I made it invisible.Now I know that you are kind .So please get the villagers here .They need the treasure now .I can't see them suffering .
Saying this the voice also disappeared.Without delaying ,I ran to the village and told about the treasure chest .Along with villagers I came to place where I saw the chest and paper .One of the villager took it and chanted the spell .The chest opened .
What did I saw ???..........
It really amazed me .There was a design ,the design of village ,a view by the king who ruled it a long back .It was really mind blowing . Below that there was golden coins enough to complete the above plan.Villagers took the chest and left the place . But I stopped there .I felt unusual .I saw in the it was written that welcome . Really shocked by the incident that happened to me .
I learnt that more curiosity kills us .And also we must look into our cup of tea rather than looking at others .
We must always stretch our leg as much as the bed.