

Vengeance (26)
Have you prepared everything

Yes Sir

Did you paid her well

Of course

Where is Felicity

According to our assessment she is still in the headquarters

Interesting, what about our people at regional branches

They have signed petition as well; hoping for you to take care of them

Tom laughed at this; his sectatery looked at him nervously

How long you have been serving me

About two years

Have you ever wondered why i kept you for two years

My hardwork


Tom pulled the younger male from his nape

Its because of your loyalty

Yes sir

Always know this, a leaf looks best on a tree. The moment it starts beating on the symphony of air it lose its way.

Of course sir

Same are traitors, people who chose to ditch the hand who fed them for years. How can they be of any use to me

But Sir werent we the one who offered them this; I mean it comes our responsibility to take care of them

Child child, tom patted youngers cheeks, yin and yang exists together, it was their choice. If that was the case God would never had kicked Adam out from Paradise after just one time bisbehave

I understand Sir

Good now get going

Tom took coffee mug and sat on his luxary chair. 

Lets cut your wings my dear sparrow!





Felicity felt like running out of air. She wanted to run away. Sadly her limbs were frozen like ice berg.


A drop of tear escaped from her eye and she stuttered. She felt two strong hands on her shoulders. She opened up her eyes in a snap but calmed down when she saw Stacy.

Easy I am here. Were you having a nightmare?


Without a word younger hugged elder and creased her back. Felicity held onto Stacy dearly. This girl came around sometime ago and now she became as essential to Felicity oxygen. There wasnt a moment when she left her alone neither younger judged her in any way. Things were surprising for Felicity. She ran out of words around her. Stacy left her out classed and flustered at times. 

Your breakfast is ready

Stacy mischievously motioned towards table. Felicity shook her head with a smile

You are spoiling me Stacy. I might lose my figure like this.

Still you have to eat 

Thank you. Please bring me documents of this project.

Stacy turned on her heels and Felicity freshened up. Younger carefully placed documents and stood aside. Felicity took seat and opneed up sandwich

Have you eaten


Good girl, then what is it?

Staff was discssuing something a while ago

Yes then? , Felicity smiled widely while taking a big bite of sandwich

We suggest that you dismiss this press briefing. It might stir up controversy

Stacy said while biting her lip

Elaborate please

Felicity with a questioning look

People arent taking news from Emily really well. Our social media are filled with hate.

This is exactly why people need to be addressed today. This will solve the confusion.


No buts go prepare.

Time passed and everything was set up. Felicity left with Stacy for hall. Things were all arranged. Felicity stepped in. It was filled with people shouting. She stopped for a bit. Stacy raised her brow.

Are you okay?

I dont know. I have a gut feeling that its not gonna turn out well.

We can always leave

But everything is set. I cant

Felicity ignored and stepped on. She adjusted mic and before she could speak; someone from one side threw something. Security immediately covered elder and Stacy stepped forward to wipe ink off from her face. Felicity saw Emily from one side.

She is a liar. She cheated on Min in his life with multiple partners. Now she is after my fiance. Person like her needs to be taken down.

Felicity was shocked and wordless. covered Felicity's eyes and turned her head towards a side. 

You dont have to see this

Felicity gave out a painful whimper

Hide me please

Felicity turned limp as fear ran through her veins. Stacy picked Felicity up as security covered them. Emily's words echoed in her mind.

How can she say that?

How can people be so mean?

Stacy brought Felicity in her office and sat her on couch. Tears running from elder glassy eyes broke her heart. She poured water in a paper cup and handed it to Felicity. She yanked it off in an instance.

Dont touch me

ok I wouldn't hurt you relax

Felicity covered her mouth to muffle her cries. Stacy stood there helplessly biting her lips. Felicity's phone rang. It was head of board of Directors. 

"Cut the crap now and leave. How much more chaos you want. More then 500 employees from our regional branches have resigned and others are asking for your out. I cant beleieve i trusted you. You are disgusting."

"But its a lie"

"Lie like i dont know Emily has always been your right hand. Now you have audacity to decline her as well. I am amazed but to clear the point you cant keep this on for long. Shame on you for cheating on a fine man like Min. I am coming with other directors to headquarters in 30 minutes and before it we want you gone."

Felicity lifelessly dropped phone and stared towards Stacy

Its over

then she threw her phone in wall and it broke into pieces


I am sorry

Why no one believes me?

I believe you

Stacy held onto Felicity's hands.


I have seen you from near. I have seen the times talking you with his picture. I have seen you singing for in moonlight. I have seen you taking care of his company and us selfless when you had a chance to walk away. Anyone who ever loved can say how genuinely you loved your man in just a look

Felicity broke down in Stacy's embrace. Younger patted her back. Making lies is easy but proving truth is the hardest. One thing also became evident to her. People will believe only what they want to. They may be blind of their own flaws but they will be rigid judges of others character. Rigidity and lack of tolerance is choking mankind.  It has drawn humans apart from each other. We have grown so self centered that we dont have time to look beyond ourselves. I dont blame lockdown, covid, isolation and lonleiness for this. I blame ego. Why should we reach out for others when they dont for us. Quick correction humanity, when someone is missing do reach out for them. You never know how much they can be suffering. Mind sometimes is a scary place to live in. Only if humanity start to treat everyone like they want to get treated and look for greater good . This world can be a better place to live in.

The air went red with alarm. Felicity eyed everything in awe. Stacy immediately took out something from her jacket and handed it to Felicity. 

You always looked out for me. Now its time i look out for you. Here is my phone and key to my car. Passcode is everything is my middle name. GPS is set in the car and you will get no difficulty in finding my house.


Felicity asked dazed. Stacy took off her jacket and muffler and covered Felicity.

Go now I dont want you hurt more. They arent going to understand. I will take care of things here. You make sure when you get there lock yourself in well.


No buts

Leave please go save yourself. Wolves are here to tear you apart and I cant let that happen.

Stacy supported Felicity back on her feet and pushed her towards back elevator.


Thank you for coming Sir

Thank you for coffee

Tom chuckled as Emily took seat next to him. He took out a bundle of money and threw it infront of Emily. She immediately snatached it and started counting

Dont forget your promise Mr. Tom your son is mine

We shall see

Tom gave a snarky remark and walked out from cafe. Emily turned towards her phone. Maisie and David were on hold. Before turning on camera she smudged her eye liner a bit, removed her lipstick and opened up her hair.

Better to look messy for a finer melodrama


Thank you for reading 

Saranghae :)

© Real_Ghostie97