

Hardest choice
It's really really overwhelming,when suddenly you see,the person you were waiting from long time,the person you were checking on just social media,the person you were praying to god to meet him someday,about whom you were so sure that you will not meet him or her ever,unexpectedly appeared before you. yes offcourse firstly you'll rub your eyes,you'll pinch yourself to be confirm if it is still dream or reality. but when you got confirm about this,now you are thinking how i express to him or her that how long i waited for you and how difficult it was,you want to tell your whole experience regarding him or her. and you did little bit,but you are not satisfied,you are curious about that person more than before,you are just looking for ways to talk,to understand him,to know him,to share everything about yourself,to be a shareholder in his pain,to always be present in his low moment,to always support him to grow,to explore and do whatever he dreamed off. because that's your dream about that special person. and soon you realize,you even don't care about your dreams as he or she becomes your dream.

but sad part is you don't choose to grab this opportunity to express all this to that person,that opportunity which you were waiting for too long. you chose much much harder way to let him go, suffer this unbearing pain all alone and hoping to meet him again and express everything and offcourse ,this time, in detail.

but you are so fearful about what if you couldn't be able to meet him again and this fear is added to your normal life journey and making it miserable day by day.