

The Mark of The Beast Pt.2
Hello and goodmorning, evening, noon, night and day all over the world. I have received several messages from Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ about the End Times and what is already in place and what is to come. Today I will continue the message The Mark Of The Beast.

The Mark of The Beast is a programming process that can take place over a period of time, or can take place suddenly. Have you noticed that there has been a whole lot of mockery and jokes about The Lord Jesus Christ and The Holy Spirit(who is a person)? Have you noticed the attack on christian believers and those who TRULY follow Christ and do not appeal to support laws and agendas? Have you noticed there has been several religions and diverse teachings on meditation, crystals, chakras, herbs, and etc? All of these things that are being put out on the internet and in the media are just sources that lead to The Mark of The Beast. Have you noticed that many people are arguing over the earth being flat, what color our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is, and that there are many ways to God and heaven?Have you noticed that there are many who have stated that Jesus is not God's name, and they have even taken the name out of gospel and worship songs? These are all false teachings and strange subjects. In this hour you have to be VERY careful of what you are listening to and what is drawing your attention. Only read the Word of God and pray. Ask The Lord Jesus Christ to show you the TRUTH. This is the only weapon and defense against these false teachings and strange subjects. The Word of God is OUR defense! You can already be in danger of taking The Mark of The Beast before it is actually presented. How is this possible? Through brainwashing. Once your mind is full of chaos and confusion, you are already in danger. Once you have joined those who are against Jesus Christ, and begin to attack christians, you are already in danger. Once you begin to follow other false teachings and heresies, you are already in danger. I encourage you to STOP immediately! Turn from evil and vain teachings to Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! Do not argue or join in with others who are not believers. Stay close to Jesus and The Holy Spirit. This is the only way to stay safe and sound.

Grace and peace and mercy be with us ALL. AMEN.

© Sherene Niblet