

Part 3–Whispers of Time–Chapter 1

She looked around, a wind had started blowing her hair in all directions, making him blind for a second. Look in your pocket for a rubber band and solve the problem. She was crossing the street at this time, and the seconds for the green light were running out fast. A single step separated her from the gray pavement, her heart was pounding, she was getting closer to something she had been looking for. From the right, a car speeds off, followed by a line of crazy people at the wheel, eager to continue their journey. Horns become the new music, then out of nowhere the siren of the police car. Her hands landed on the hood of a pristine green frog, nose to nose with the panicked driver just like her. Fortunately, he stops the car in time, pulls off the main road into a parking lot next to the block. Mey couldn't resist the shock and when she tried to put her feet on the ground again she fainted. The driver takes her by the hands, trembling, places her on a bench. With a little water from a bottle he wakes her up, hoping he won't startle her again. He hands her a tissue to wipe her face and water bottle. She gasps and then takes a deep breath, blushing with shame at her carelessness and stupidity.

-Are you ok? did you hurt yourself ? Asked the driver who had recovered a little from the shock. He didn't get an answer at first, and that didn't surprise him. He was ready to hear her scream, call the police. It was his fault that he hadn't seen her and he felt like a fly in the hat.

–Just dizzy, otherwise I don't think I hurt myself. What an idiot I am!

–If you want to call the police, you have every right.

–And what should I tell them? That I didn't make sure and that my mind was flying to green horses on the walls.

–Then? What are you gonna?

–Just go home and lie down. I don't care about the police and I don't care if I'm dead.

–Did you try to commit suicide? That's why you end up in the insane asylum.

–Not. That's where I come from.

–Laugh at me, tell me what you had in mind!

–Nothing! Nothing at all!

She couldn't tell him any details, but maybe this way she would get what he wanted. If she shouts loud enough will the story take a certain turn and will he be given what he asked for? She could try, but not here and not now. It was better to make herself invisible, not to find her again, to take her back from where she left, not this time.

–Do you want me to take you home?

–Dying in the hands of a stranger is not really my style.

–At least let me make up for this situation.

–I don't see any possibility, I'm sorry, if we meet again..

–Just be careful not to get run over by a car.

–Maybe you will drive it?

–Do you want me to fuck you so badly? Will you call the police?

Mey starts laughing. The perplexed driver leaves her alone, striding away to his car. She screams from afar that she's crazy. He called his name, still thinking that he might accept his proposal. In addition, her stomach made sounds like a trombone, and the water did not soothe him at all. Knock on the car window with nervous Tim or Tom opening the window with a lever from the inside. He recognizes her by his childlike attitude.
She was afraid to get into the car. The police were not far from them and they had no choice but to climb up. They crossed the parking lot to another intersection, where they turned right and a few yards around a stray shot that covered them. In this way they became invisible in the blink of an eye. Evening had settled over the city with its last colored lights, leaving the meticulously dotted black paper looming above them. The air was slightly warm. The narrow street lit its lanterns around which geese had gathered, accompanying the crickets until morning. An escaped dog from a neighbor's yard stared at them with its small Doberman eyes. Mey looked at Tim and prayed that he would react somehow. She didn't know how to avoid dogs, he only managed to escape from the ones from the orphanage. The dog got scared when he dropped down and looked at him intently, letting him know he wasn't the only fierce one around.

–He always goes outside, but he has never attacked anyone.

–Maybe because he didn't find something juicy enough.

–He is not kept hungry.

–His animal instinct said otherwise. If it's as you say, then why did you scare him if you knew he wasn't going to attack?!

–I was playing with him like that and he felt it.

–God, what if he changed his mind?!

–Calm down Mey! I let myself get eaten, okay?

–You are terrible!

–Are you coming in or staying outside?

He urged her with an ear-to-ear grin. Angry, she pushes him against the wall. She grabbed him by the collar and looked at him for a long time. She hadn't changed since he burst into the attic, and that reassured her.
Tim waited for the young lady's next gesture. A slap across the face, a punch in the stomach or nose, where blood flows. She wanted to tell him all her history, but how? Mey gives up on going any further and sits down lazily in an armchair in the hall. With her face in her hands, she tried not to burst into tears, the memories haunted her. Tim moved closer to her, removed her hands and locked them in his, discovering how cold they were, just like a sloi. She shook her head, ready to listen to the last word. Mey told him what had happened without omitting any detail. She had realized that she was afraid, a fact that did not surprise her at all, rather she was guarding her like a guard. That saying: "Fear guards the barn."
Outside you could hear the siren of the police car that probably noticed the "accident" or was actually looking for her. The TV was on and images of her were already playing. The presenter announced that a sum of money was being offered in exchange for her, and the family said they were heartbroken. Nothing impressed her. The lies, the money-hungry relatives, the wealth, Tim didn't care about at the moment, the memories written in a crumpled notebook in Devon's apartment.

–We'd better get you out of here.

–You will hand me over to the authorities.

–Mey, I intend to help you, take my word for it.

–You only have one chance to prove it.

The front door is forced by a group of policemen. Entering the living room left in the dark, they met a few eyes thrown from above from the floor. They created the perfect chaos to escape their clutches. With some skill they steal a car parked in front of the store on the corner of the street, although they risked attracting attention, the alarm did not go off and they continue north to a place of refuge isolated from any area of ​​communication. Before they disappeared from the landscape Tim had grabbed the laptop from the living room table. He hacks the database of the city's police headquarters, from where he transmits a false lead. He hoped that this would slow them down and give them a chance to make their next decisions with a clearer mind. He fixed Mey's gaze in the rear view mirror and could read the horror on her face. She opens her phone to analyze the map and get an idea of ​​their position. She zooms in on the route with her fingers, not knowing where she is anyway, she's never been good at orientation. They tap the search bar and type a street seen on a sign seen before starting the car and that way the map manages to pinpoint their position. They were about a few blocks away from the city exit. The engine dies on a hill and the car goes madly downhill. Her handbrake breaks in two, she opens the door letting it crash into a post and jumps in as she grabs Mey's hand, only to slide onto a green roundabout where they manage to jump onto a bench on the the side of the road away from the runaway car. The impact caused the door to bend and break. For a second they felt like two crazy cartoon characters. A trickle of blood was dripping from her temple and she was slightly dizzy. She glanced over at Tim who was lying a few feet away from her. Terrified, with salty tears she took him in her arms, squeezing him tightly. She wondered why all this, why did she have to make others suffer? She helped him, and now it was her turn, so she called an ambulance. She hoped with all her heart that she could save him, even if she had no supernatural powers. She didn't want to lose anyone anymore, not to be alone anymore. She missed Ethan, he had probably grown up, then Caroline. She had no idea what had happened to them, but he had to find them. Shr needed help and her intuition told her she was on the right path. She sat in the waiting room until she was called inside. She was glad to see him alive and unharmed and now she could show off his barrage question. He looked at the ground, playing with his thumbs, not knowing what to answer. He was embarrassed that he couldn't remember anything, and it depressed him that he couldn't help her much. He was sorry and wanted revenge if he too was tempted to kill her. Luckily he only got a few scratches and left in a few days.

–I have only one place in mind.

–Let me guess: that picture in the mountain hall, right?

‐Although several years have passed, it is possible to be right.

–If they catch us? What if there's no one where we're going?

–For now, we can stay calm and nothing disappears one by one.

–I would like it to be proven. It's too hot back here.

–I open a window and it would be good to stop for a while, I ran out of gas.

–Great, where can we refuel, it's hot here!

–I suppose there's a gas station around here, at least that's how I remember it.

Tim and Mey get out of the car, then pull on their seat belts, catching them in the door. This way the car was much easier to move without much effort. The highway was empty, lifeless and if they were lucky enough to come across a car and call for help it was their luck. But there was nothing on the horizon except the setting sun. They gave up on pulling the car forward and lay down inside. It was warm, then cooled down, being only good for sleeping. Mey nestled into the back seat, thinking she was getting closer. She hoped that luck would smile on her, and that life would no longer prevent her from acting. She reached over to Tim to check if he was asleep and summoned his ghost, admitting to her that she was stubborn. The ghost executes the master's order and uses her abilities to take them near the gas station. Through the darkness of the night, in the middle of nowhere, on the highway, it looked like a scene where the girl is kidnapped and convinced that she is being taken where she wants. However, she did not feed her fear, she preferred to be cautious and lucid, and then the presence of the ghost calmed her down. She still didn't realize many things, and she didn't know when or how she would be able to remember. She felt that something had slipped from her mind, that it had left without a trace.

© BlairAmy
#meeting #trip #fear #fun