

Story: Lives of 3rd quadrant
Story: Lives of 3rd quadrant

We frequently listen that happiness and sadness are two sides of a coin. Or these are cycle ,wait for your turn. Or like the account of earth etc. Nowadays so many stories, examples
etc are nicely elaborated in whats app, instagram, facebook, you tube etc. Definitely it's a well endeavour to encourage the life. I don't want demoralising them . But in my more than 60 yrs of life I saw so many lives of whom cycle were not rotated. Or coin never turned to head , I think their lives are in 3rd quadrant always . If some body in ist quadrant nothing to worry ,all are positive elements ,in 2nd quadrant part is positive part is negative element so there is a chance to restoration , In 4th quadrant also up and down both are in circulation ,I dont want to discuss them ,
I am only narrating some stories of 3rd quadrant people where both constituents are negative that is no positive support .
One girl Mohar had to marry with a man of 2nd marriage as ist wife died. After producing 5/6 children husband died in gastrointestinal problem due to consumption of excess liquor. Now widow in a fix to run family, day night hard labour ,together with agony of marrying growing daughters .
Boys are minor. Whatever fertile lands, were sale out to gather money for marriage , in this condition she gets ill health needing treatment , part of money wasted but not fully cured, only relieved to get both daughter married anyhow with the physical help of relatives .
Now seeing no way ist son tried for income going to city a far away. Any how two three yrs passed , one son inlaw sometimes could help ,other had no such ability. At that time she died . Now three sons stoods in their leg to make their family with sufficiency overall. But did her life cycle rotate or tail side of that coin reverse ?
Another was the story of Sukhdev , possibly his father named such hoping high . Actually they were from community of Vaishnab ,begging was the profession . No such education .One day a new teacher joined in that village school. Sukhdev went his house for begging , teacher astonished , started conversations ,took details .
He arranged a hand loom to work in his small paternal kachha house. But he was addicted with gambling and cannabis which he didn't tell to that noble teacher . So took time to make a sharee 8 days in place others in 3 days . So certainly got ruined . At that time what ever the income his only son Deben snatching with blackmailing . His one daughter needs marriage was nice in appearance . One friend of his son ' Laloo' came from Dubai and show interest to marry with assurance to arrange taking his friend to Dubai for big income their . They also convinced and marry the daughter by selling what ever assets were with him including handloom thinking that where will go begging which was their community right. Teacher went then in long summer vacation so remain unaware.
About 6 months passed , son inlaw kept wife in his house and left for Dubai with assurance that after arrangement he will call Deben their.
After a yr or so Laloos father came with tears and requested Sukhdev to take back home the daughter as Laloo is no more due to an accident their. The agency who had taken there was not helpful to send dead body even and soiled there.
Now Sukhdev and family completely ruined . Daughter produced a daughter .
Teacher once entered House of Sukhdev but he avoid meeting in shame telling lie through his small daughter.
Now Sukhdev is very ill , even not capable to beg. Son married one girl of their village so any how manages family as daily labourers. So situation forced Sukhdev's wife to start begging . one and half yrs passed , Teacher came to know Sukhdev was addicted to gambling so was no more interested to take his whare about . One evening Sukhdev reached to teacher and said everything , Teacher gave him 200 Rs for treatment and informed that he will leave this school on transfer possibly next week . Sukhdev not lived more, within a month he left all .
Though Laloos death was a lie and tricks of his father which was another story . Latter Laloo had taken his wife and daughter , help inlaw house a lot .
But Sukhdev didn't see the head of the coin as he was of 3rd quadrant people.

Writco: 23.05.2024
© Don't KR