

Reality of World -2
The moon ,stars and clouds told me that they look at the children everyday . Before going to sleep ,those children look at the sky and talk to us about their day and they wish for the coming days said the moon. Cloud said they forget everything and they dance happily in the rain during rainy season and control their cold in this winter season without any blankets .
After hearing to all these my eyes filled eyes Andi couldn't control .The moon came to me and said - My child there are many children working for one time meal ,there are children who are homeless and there are many who are troubled my upper class and many others facing many things . But some are happy with what they have . Don't cry my child .I was weeping continuously .It was the day ,that I came to know what life actually is and the reality of the world . I asked the moon ,stars and clouds can't it be sort out .I wish that everything and everyone may get at least shelter and the food required for their livelihood.
The moon laughed and said if everyone's wish had come true ,no one would be this particular condition .It's their life ,they have to take decision and move on .God will always show a path for those who always work and move forward .Today you came to know about this .What will you do to them ? Just you can help them and make their way of life better.But in this world people are selfish and greedy ,you can only find a few good people .But if a person is good ,then his thoughts will be good and his paths will always be right . Today you got to know ,I hope you will help them when you grow up. Keep this one thing in mind -IF YOU ARE BORN POOR ITS NOT YOUR MISTAKE ,BUT IF YOU DIE POOR THEN ITS YOUR MISTAKE.After saying this ,as it was time of the early dawn ,the cloud left me back to my place. I learnt many things that one night .That night changed. my perspective towards life .
That day my sleep had ran away. But my mind had started it's work .
I have written this story in an animated way .This is the reality of the world . Being selfish and greedy gives us nothing other than it take us down .If you can please be off some help to others .If you do good today ,it will come in any form tomorrow.