

( a confusionist's collection )

Write a story based on this famous excerpt from Angels & Demons by Dan Brown:

Science tells me God must exist. My mind tells me I will never understand God. And my heart tells me I am not meant to.

If to comprehend , understand,
study and ponder every act of JAH
means to discern his omnipotence,
then i bet, the answer lies in

as the heavens are apart
from the earth , my brain
lies miles away from HIS ways,
call back that big-bang-theorist !

but am i meant to, for i can't
cover up for days i wasn't here
to jott down all information,
i came at the age of edges,
when secrets are already buried
just inside the Vatican sacred texts

now i take my brains to wonder
into history , meditating on all
early scripts , from the bible,
jumping to the book of Enoch,
i know of the Annunaki,
so i ask me, Was HE among the
watchers , then the big-bang-theorist
returns, i rest my head in confusion,
Alas my heart whispers,
"a secret , no one needs to know !"

an answer lies somewhere,
not in oblivion nor conspiracy
but the meek who ponder
each step will know ,
'HE says I'm not a man to
lie , what i promise,........! '

i step out again, to find an answer
from nature's way, the variations,
from race, taste and age, of a same
species , then i know HE'S far apart
from my discernment, my brain
to small to comprehend HIS walks,

every house needs a builder,
i ain't here on my own,
so i ask the theorist,
the big-bang-theorist ,
when did time , space and
matter seem not to exist !

then I'd be on the verge to know,
if THE SUPREME,is affected
by time ! The theorist is confused !

the scientist steps up,
and talks of evolution,
but who initiated the process,
so my brain asks for the Genesis
of JAH, the theorist laughs,

i rest my case,
this is beyond my discernment,
case rested , we'll meet again,
meeting adjourned !


© Michael writter