

Success will come you way. "Strive for perfection; but settle for excellence".
Life is a race and if we don't pace with it, we will lag behind. It is a common belief. But this is only a blind race and seems quite eccentric. To some extent blind followers of this race are losing the greatest part of life i.e. excellence. This is the major attribute that everyone should own. Without this trait one cannot be a successful person. A very good example from 3 idiots cannot be ignored. People like Chatur only boost their success where Wangdu proved to be the real success. He had the skill to meet with the real life situation. So, it is better to opt for that stream in which one can achieve excellence.

"Take the best ; give the best ;
and to God, leave the rest ".

Rote learning does not give good result. Learn not only to get good marks but learn to achieve the basic essence of education and this will definitely add stars ⭐to your life.