

Lady Shifu ( unveiling the enigma) 1
In the realm of shouts and fierce displays,
I, Leeyan, faced Master's intense ways.
Pained and pouting, I questioned the brutal drill,
Master's response echoed, "Complaints are still."

A mysterious lineage, a warrior's fate,
Training with Master Huang, a daunting state.
18 years, half-Filipino, a mix unknown,
Martial arts my essence, skills finely honed.

Post-training showers, to stay fresh and free,
My mind a whirlwind, lost in thoughts, you see.
"Why this harsh training?" I pondered aloud,
Seeking answers, I faced Master, head bowed.

Master, the mentor, seated, eyes closed,
Meditation's art, in tranquility composed.
A tap on his shoulder, my curiosity bare,
His eyes met mine, a gaze intense, a dare.

"Eunice Leeyan," the master did proclaim,
A destiny shifting, a life untamed.
"You leave this place, depart from my care,
To a new school, a life you'll declare."

"Leaving tomorrow," Master announced firm,
A future unknown, my heart did squirm.
Packed and ready, goodbyes exchanged,
Master's decision, my life rearranged.

Morning came, a farewell to friends,
Chun, Wei, Kai, our bond transcends.
Banter and teasing, a final display,
Embracing change, I'm on my way.

A journey ahead, unknown terrain,
Yet, with memories, I'll not disdain.
Master's lessons etched in each stride,
A warrior's spirit, forever my guide.

© Potatocalomil
PS: Hey there, wonderful readers! I already posted the novel of this on Wattpad, can you offer some support? Thank you so much and God bless!