

(Part 2)Amy Fox Mysterys and The robbery of the secret documents (to be continued..)(if you haven’t already, read part one!)
Amy, Jason, Caleb, and Sophie Fox all got their gear ready for anything that could happen the next day and then went to bed. Early in the morning Amy, Jason, and Sophie went to Sophie’s office. They set up the room for the meeting and prepared the hidden camera under the desk. Justin Hunt arrived right on time. “Hi there, I am Sophie Fox, I am guessing you are Justin Hunt. I am so glad to meet you, and find out about this new case,” said Sophie Fox. “Hi, thanks for meeting me on such short notice, this is a very important matter, and you cannot tell anyone what I am about to tell you.” “OK, we will not tell anyone. I have a soundproof room downstairs that is unbreachable, and we can talk there.” Sophie and Justin went down to the soundproof room, and Amy and Jason were already there, as well as Caleb. “What are these kids doing here? They are certainly not your employees; they are too young! My secret will never be safe with these two young kids! I sure hope that your employee is the young man over there and that these kids are not!” exclaimed Justin, who was referring to Caleb as the young man (since he was 20). “I am not a kid! I am eighteen!” Exclaimed Jason. “Jason, calm down,” Sophie whispered to him. “Justin, these kids have solved some cases all by themselves. Will you please let them help?” Sophie asked pleadingly.
“Fine, but one mistake, and I will take my case elsewhere!” Justin said with authority. “So, some very important documents were stolen. We caught the thief in the room where the documents used to be, but still have no idea where the documents are.” Justin said. “Who is our thief?” Said Sophie Fox. “We believe that Robby Banks is the thief. He used to work for the government, till one day he just quit and ran away. He took his stuff off his desk and was gone. The day he left was the same day that the documents were stolen.” Justin stated. “Are there any other details of the case you could tell me about?” asked Sophie Fox. “No, for now, that is all! You may have full access to Robby’s desk area, and also to visit him in the jail.” Justin said. “Sounds good! We will start working on your case immediately!” Sophie exclaimed. Justin Hunt left and went back to his office.
“So, what are we going to do first!” asked Caleb full of excitement. “You are not going to do anything. You were a criminal, and if the police see you, you are going to go to jail! So, you are staying here, and not going anywhere!” Sophie said to Caleb. “But Mom, I am twenty now and can take care of myself. I don’t want to be stuck here all day every day! I want to go out, have fun, make friends, and all that stuff! I have been held captive for long enough!” Caleb exclaimed. “You are my son, and I finally got you back! I am not going to lose you again! While you are under my roof, you follow my rules! Do I make myself clear?” Sophie exclaimed. “Yep! Crystal clear!” Caleb said as he stomped over to his room. “I hope he doesn’t try anything stupid,” Amy said. “I don’t think he will, but we should keep an eye on him still,” Sophie said. “I am going to the coffee shop to clear my head, and to get a nice cup of coffee!” Amy told her mother. “Drive safe!” Sophie exclaimed as Amy went out the door.
“Jason, do you have something to say? You have been sitting there all upset and haven’t said a word since Justin left!” Sophie asked. “Yes, just a little upset that he called me a kid! I am eighteen, I mean… I am a young man now and am very capable of solving this mystery. I could even hack all of his devices if I wanted to! I am probably smarter than him too!” Jason exclaimed with anger. “Jason! I know it is not nice that he called you a kid, but honestly! I think you are overreacting! I do not want to hear anything more about you hacking a government official’s devices, since he called you a child! Your behavior is childish! Go to your room!” Sophie exclaimed. “Yes ma’am,” Jason said sarcastically and went to his room.
“I finally get free from Maverick, and now I am not allowed to leave the house! This is ridiculous! I want to get out!” Caleb thought. He turned up loud music in his room, locked his door, and snuck out his window. Caleb walked to town, and went to a bookstore, since if he wasn’t supposed to leave his room, maybe his mind could at least go on adventures. Caleb walked around the bookstore till he found the mystery section. “Maybe, if I read a mystery, it will help me to be able to solve one, and then Mom will need my help,” thought Caleb to himself. In the mystery section, there was a girl who was also looking at books. She had blond hair, green eyes, and a hoodie and shorts. “So… what mystery story are you looking at today?” Caleb asked the girl. “I was thinking about getting a Sherlock Holmes book since he is the best detective,” said the girl. “Good choice! Although, if you want my opinion, I have to say that Murder on the Orient Express is also very good. Hercule Poiret is a very smart detective and the best,” Caleb said.  “I’ve never read that one, I guess that’s the one I will check out,” the girl said. “Let me know what you think!” Caleb said. “What book are you going to get?” the girls asked Caleb. “I have no idea, I have not decided yet,” Caleb said. “Have you read Sherlock Holme's Adventure of the Silver Blaze?” the girl asked. “Not yet. I guess since you are checking out my recommendation, I will check out yours,” Caleb said. Just then a guy in a hood showed up and handed something to the girl. He whispered something in her ear, and then she abruptly said, “I’ve got to go!” “Bye,” Caleb said, but a little too late since she was already gone. Caleb went to the counter and bought the Sherlock Holmes book. He snuck back into his room through his window and lay on his bed, daydreaming about the girl he met at the library.
Jason paced about his room full of rage, hurt, and determination. “A kid! First Hunt calls me a kid, and then I ask my mom for a bit of support, and what does she do? She tells me that I am behaving like a kid!” Jason thought to himself. He then put on his coat and grabbed his car keys. “A good coffee will cheer me up,” he thought to himself. As he headed out of his room, he was careful to avoid his mother, since he was still mad at her and did not want to make things worse. He went and got in his car and started to drive.
Amy got into her car and started driving. As she drove she realized that a car was following her. Wherever she turned it turned, but when she got to the coffee shop it drove past. “Maybe I am just on edge after the argument mom had with Jason,” Amy thought to herself, “But, that car really did look like it was following me, I should probably just make sure that I keep my eyes out for it.” Amy went up to the counter ordered a Pumpkin Spice Frappuccino, and went and sat down. A few minutes later, Jason came through the door. He went up and ordered the same thing that Amy did. He then went and sat with her. “Hey Amy, can you believe that Justin called me a kid, and Mom agreed! I mean, she even sent me to my room! It is so unfair!” Jason said. “You were overreacting, I mean he called you and me kids, big deal! Don’t let it bother you so much! Mom just didn’t like the way you were acting; she doesn’t think you are a little kid.” Amy replied. “So now you are defending her! Nobody cares what I think! You know what, I am going to take this coffee to go! I already have mom lecturing me, I don’t need you to as well.” Jason said as he stormed off.
Shortly after he walked out, Jason bumped into a girl who was walking towards the coffee shop, and all the papers she was carrying fell. “I am so sorry, let me help you pick these up!” Jason exclaimed. “It’s ok, I can grab them,” the girl insisted. “Is there anything I can do to make up for messing up all your papers?” Jason asked. “Since you mentioned it, I have not had lunch yet, and could use some company,” said the girl. “Sounds good! What is your name?” Jason asked her. “My name is…Harmony… Craft,” She replied with a bit of delay, and then asked, “What is your name?” “I am Jason Fox,” he replied. “Why don’t we go to the burger place across the street? Their burgers are the best!” Jason stated. “I don’t know about that, I am an avid burger fan, and am very good at making them myself!” Harmony said with great confidence in her voice.
Amy sat there in silence, taking in what had just happened with Jason. “What is going on with him? He is never like this!” Amy wondered to herself. She finished her coffee, got in her car, and drove home. As she was driving, she saw Jason sitting with a girl inside the burger place. She also noticed that the car that had been following her earlier was parked outside the coffee shop. Amy then drove back around the coffee shop and took a photo of the person’s license, so that she could figure out who it was.
© Stacy A Parker