

What moon? - 1
It was a normal, moonless night. Up until I saw the dark night sky getting brighter from my window. "Was the moon hiding behind the clouds afterall?" I wondered.
Me and my roommate shared a room in an apartment as it helped us pay the rent. We actually never knew each other before we moved in, but we did really get along pretty well. He was lying on the couch when I got up and looked outside, expecting to see the moon. But to my surprise,there still was no moon up in the sky. "Huh?" I exclaimed. "Still no sign of the moon? How is it so bright out?- " Then my gaze was drawn to what I had previously misidentified as clouds."Whoa, that's a lot of smoke" I said while searching for its source. "NO WAYYY" with all the emotions a dumb teenager has, I shouted out loud. Surprisingly,the other dumb teen in my room wasn't even paying attention to me, he looked up from his phone, (probably texting some girl)and said "what?", It was like i absorbed all the emotions he had when i shouted NO WAYYY. But with almost the same emotions as before, I said "Dude, check this out". He got up, but still sitting on the couch replied "What is it?". I said "Hurry the fuck up and see it for yourself" He sighed, and got up and came rushing to the window. "What the fuck!" he exclaimed. We could see a house on fire with a huge cloud of smoke above it. "Should we call the police or the firetruck?" I asked. He agreed without having to think about it. Guilt kicked in when i realised how much time I've wasted just to show him and what if something terrible has already happened. But the thought that we couldn't be the only one who saw the fire, maybe some other guy has already called the police helped a bit, but what if we were the only one. I reached out to my phone,which was on the table and i Heard my roommate say "Shit, there's a woman on the roof!" Shocked, I rushed back "Ughh, get down woman" I shouted but obviously nobody heard me. It wasn't actually a roof, it was more like a balcony but the roof above it was still in construction,we could see some Bamboos tied up on the roof, which are used for construction in India.And what we were fearing about, actually happened. The bamboo, which were on fire directly hit her on her head and fell on her. She was stuck under burning bamboos and some debris of wet cement. "Fuck what should we do?" Panic started to kick in. Without thinking I said "Let's go" and my roommate instantly agreed, i guess he like me had no idea what to do. So we rushed down the stairs while I dialed in the emergency number which was obviously broken, a common thing in India.
"Ofcourse"I said in frustrated voice. "Let's just hurry up and get there" he said and I nodded.
(Cut scene)
A girl wakes up, all sweaty and thirsty. She proceeds her way to the kitchen where she sees a bathroom door open. She looks in and sees her mother combing her hair, "mommy" she says in relief. What are you doing up so late? And what is this smell? Is something burn-" she sees her mother in the mirror, she hesitantly takes a step back "Mom, what happened to your face? Are you alright?" The girl starts crying. "It looks good, doesn't it?" The mother turns back revealing all of her face. Half of her face was burnt as well as stomped by some thing heavy, and her hair looked dirty with a lot of sand in it. "Mom" she screamed crying even louder as her mom started moving towards her. "Come to mommy sweetheart, you can have it too" She grabbed her daughter and hugged her. Her face dripping with blood made her daughter all bloody and she passed out.
We decided to go on foot as it seemed the fastest way to reach there. But It started raining by the time we hit the road. After a minute or so we could barely see the street post because of the rain. "Will the rain be able to contain the fire?" I asked. He mumbled back something but it got buried down by the sound of the rain. I didn't care much to ask what he said as we were running out of time. As soon as that thought passed by we could smell the smoke in the air inspite of the heavy rain. We finally reached that house after a brief 15 min jog. We couldn't run because of the rain and not taking the car really worked out for us. But to our disappointment, there was no one around the house. And the rain suppressed all the visibility so the chances of anyone noticing now were slim to none. We looked at each other,both soakingly wet. "What should we do?" He asked while breathing heavily. "Maybe we should go inside, I don't think anyone would mind considering the situation and maybe the women needs our help, let's hurry up" i replied before running towards the front door. "But-" he said seemingly in denial but didn't get the chance to further say anything.
I knocked on the door as it was locked "hello is anybody home?" He shouted "Even I can't hear you properly dude and I'm right beside you, it seems the rain isn't of any big help"
I replied while taking two steps back to charge onto the locked door. "Wait, you really shouldn't-" CRACK!! The door burst open. "Why don't you ever let me finish my sentence?" He said a bit annoyed. "Because" and i started moving inside, "great" he replied, completely annoyed. "Is anyone home?" "Didn't mean to intrude but there's a fire and i think some is hurt" I shouted "helloo???" He joined me as well.
The House was dimly lit, we could barely see each other with the main source of light being the street lamp and the eventual thunder brightening the room through the windows.
The rain hadn't slowed down yet, though there was still an eerie silence in the house. I could hear the rain pouring down on the hard concrete yet the atmosphere in the room seemed indifferent. "Hey, where's your mother?" Me and my thoughts were disturbed by a familiar voice. "Are you alright can you hear me?" He asked again. I looked at his concerned face and followed his eyes up the stairs to find a small girl sitting on a floor and staring at us. She looked wet and with almost a blank face, she refused to answer to any of our questions and just stared at us. "Okay look, we are coming up, we are just here to help" I said while moving slowly to the staircase. While climbing up I realised how creepy I sounded a second ago but i brushed it off cause I knew we're here with good intentions. I looked back while going up to see my roommate follow me, I could sense the fear on his face,well truth be told I was a little scared too.What if the fire had already spread before the rain could control it? I wondered. A sudden rush of adrenaline passed through my body escalating my heartbeat when i looked back up and couldn't see the girl. The eerie silence followed us on this floor too. My heart beat was so fast that I could hear it on that silence which only broke when my roommate said "we should go back outside and call for help, something doesn't feel right" I just stood there trying to find a glimpse of the small girl. "Come on let's go" he insisted. "We can't just leave a small girl alone in a burning house" "She's not alone, her mother is with her" he argued back "Yeah and we saw her get stomped under a burning log", "hey look there" before he could answer I pointed something out "See she went in there, there are her wet footprints" we could see splashes of water visible through the light of the street lamp coming in through the window right next to it. "Why, why do you want to follow her?" He asked in disbelief. "Are you serious? We could barely see the girl,she might be injured or even traumatized which explains why she couldn't speak, If you want you can wait outside and try calling the broken emergency number while I search for her, would be a great help if you do so" I said, taunting him. I started to follow the footprints and obviously my roommate followed me in.
© potatoo