

Barbie: 5 Lessons that make it an important movie...
Well, as I've already said, watching Barbie was a wonderful experience; the following five lessons, woven through this movie, in my opinion, makes it so important:

1) The need to challenge the stereotypes: Barbie talks about the need to challenge the stereotypes (especially, the gender stereotypes); we, all too often, take the stereotypes too seriously and grant them dominion over ourselves! Hence, we must never shy away from challenging them - not today; not ever...

2) How Capitalism controls every narrative today: The movie very efficiently highlights how capitalism shapes everything around us today - how it controls every narration and sets every standard - with its only objective being more and more profit!

3) The importance of questioning authority: We must start asking questions; whoever we are, we must challenge authority and the prevailing narrative of our era; otherwise, the social hierarchy will keep exploiting us to the point of extinction!

4) 'There is no perfection, only life': Perfection is a myth! We are who we are and we should always be enough in that sense! Even if we do not live up to some of the yardsticks set up by the hyper-consumerist world that we live in today, we should be okay!

5) Embrace Yourself: This world will become a better place only when more & more people start accepting and embracing themselves as they are, instead of trying to live up to some vague and exploitative beauty or gender standards...

AK 07/08/23

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