

Hello, all my dear Brothers and my dear Sisters. I am Pastor J. M. Ballinger and welcome to RED PARADISE HOLY CHAPEL. How are dear love one's doing this morning? I know, most of you all are probably thinking, 'great, I got to sit here and listen to THE HOLY BIBLE like everytime I go to church. Shame on you, you should go to church to ask for forgiveness and study about our Father in Heaven, God, and His Spiritual Son, Jesus Christ. I am here today not really to do any of that but to ask ourselves why do hardly ever think of God and Jesus Christ unless really think we need them.

If we any body pain we should take over the counter medican for it. If we may have a broken bone, you can pray. Now, if you pray for a silly reason like to skip school or do not get caught, now that sounds pretty foolish. Because, what ever you thought you have gotten away with in the past will sneek up on you and destroy your life. Can I hear an amen? AMEN!

Be thought for our Heavenly Father, God, and His Spiritual Son, Jesus Christ. We might not know it, but God and Jesus Christ love us with all of there hearts. God and Jesus Christ are always there for us. They see us through any bad day we might be having. Why you might be asking yourself. Because our Heavenly Father, God, and His Spiritual Son, Jesus Christ, love us. Can I hear an amen? AMEN!

Well, it looks like I am almost out of time. This has been Pastor J. M. Ballinger with RED PARADISE HOLY CHAPEL. Remember, our Heavenly Father, God, and His Spiritual Son, Jesus Christ, love each and everyone of us. AMEN!