

A Blind Date Turned Magical
It all started when a girl and a guy decided to meet up for drinks

As she is walking in, she sees this handsome man staring at her from across the room

As she awaits her blind date a man approaches her and ask for her name as she stares at him in a daze

Of how fine he is she totally forgets that he did ask her for her name she snaps out of it and says hi I’m

Andrea and you are? he says nice to meet you Andrea I’m Kevin, I saw you as you walked in are you

Waiting for someone or are you here alone? She takes a deep breathe in and tries to focus on the

Conversation but it has been so long that she is undressing him with her eyes, and she must catch

Herself as he smiles, and she says I’m here waiting on a blind date that my sister arranged for me

Blind date? He says you are way to pretty for that may I sit because as a man you should be here waiting

As the lady arrives, I mean at least that’s what I would do he stares at her like she is the only one in the

Room he says soooo blind date huh how did she get you to agree with that? As Andrea sits there and

Thinks of way to tell this lovely man that she has not dated in 3 years or had any sexual encounters in

That time she suddenly takes one last glance at the door and sees the man she was supposed to meet

he approaches them and ask are you, Andrea?

Yes, that’s me Kevin looks up at him hi bro I’m Kevin your late and you left this beauty

Waiting by herself thought I keep her company as she waits honesty hoping you wouldn’t show

The unknown man just stares with his mouth open in shock that Kevin was that honest and did

Not care Andrea cannot believe she has to gorgeous men

competing over her it felt good it was exciting she had not had this much excitement in awhile

before the mystery man could answer Kevin stands up and says nice meeting you Andrea ill

let you get to it here take my number if you ever get bored or want to hangout you can use it at

your own risk and walks off before Andrea could even agree or disagree to his offer

she takes his business card and sees he is a musician she smiles and places it in her purse

hi, I’m Andrea and you are? As the mystery man looks, he says confused is what I am

did I interrupt something as Andrea stares at him she cannot believe he is still focusing on Kevin?

she giggles and says no not at all just two complete strangers making conversation so are you

going to tell me your name? the man looks and smiles yes of course I’m malik nice to meet you

Andrea smiles and says so tell me a little about yourself malik. malik pauses what would you like to

Know one thing about Andrea she hates that if I say tell me about yourself that is your green light

To tell me what you think I should know instead of being rude Andrea says tell me what you would like

Start where you feel comfortable no pressure, I’m not looking to know everything at this moment

Malik smiles and says I like that answer as they engage in conversation Andrea feels this intense feeling

She ignores it but suddenly before she could even gather her thoughts to figure out what could it be

Kevin is approaching them Andrea smiles and ask Kevin what you are doing are you trying to ruin my

Date Kevin smiles and says maybe malik is in disbelief he cannot believe this man is back at their table

Flirting with the woman he is interested in malik smiles and says hey bro don’t you think its rude of you

To walk up to the table and disrupt our conversation?

Kevin ignores malik and in that moment Andrea realizes that she is in the middle of a fight with two men

She had never experienced that feeling that rush that she was getting from this the waiter noticed the

Two men and asked if they can keep their voices down as though the two men forgot they were in

A public place and that they had never met this woman before but knew she was something special

Malik says it was mice meeting you Andrea but I’m not one to fight over a woman I barley even know

Enjoy the rest of your night. Andrea stands up and says wait malik don’t go I was enjoying our time and

Conversation and asked Kevin to leave Kevin was shocked but politely respects her wishes and walks

Away but before he does, he takes her hand and gently kisses it and smiles and says what a pleasure to

Meet you and don’t forget to use that number and walks away in that moment malik feels disrespected

And lets Andrea know she tries to ensure him she is not use to that kind of attention and sees if he

Would like to enjoy the remaining of the night else were.

Malik declines the offer and says it was nice to meet you, but I think its best I turn it in for the night

Andrea is in total shock not only did she choose himover Kevin, but she defended him as well and

He is still willing to leave and cut the night short. She just stares and finally says ok that’s fine

Enjoy your night malik I should have told Kevin to stay seeing as though he was the one who

Caught my eye first and she gets up and leaves as she is walking to her car, she is hearing her name

Being called and turns around its Kevin, he grabs her and kisses her so passionately and says I’ve wanted

To do that the moment I saw you

In total shock that he stayed around to see if she would leave alone or with malik made her tingle on the inside, but she couldn’t help but feel warm and fuzzy she asks you waited?

Kevin looks deep into her eyes before he answers her question he smiles and says of course I did I wanted to see if you would leave alone or with o’l boy she smiles and says yea he left he was not enjoying the night after your encounter with him I think you scared him away lol

He smiles and says yea dude looked like the runaway type but me I always fight for what I want with a smile on his face Andrea says I’m what you want how can you even know that we barley know each other Kevin looks and says its just something about you I feel like I’ve known you all my life there is something special about you I feel it

Andrea smiles and blushes all in one she says how can you even know that what if I’m nothing like what you think Kevin says I doubt that would you like to go dancing end this night doing something you have never done before Andrea smiles and says I can dance Kevin says not that booty shaking stuff real dancing

Andrea laughs and says I don’t booty shake I can slow dance Kevin’s smiles and says see I knew I liked you off they go as they are walking to her car, she notices that Kevin parked right next to her car they both laugh she says ig I will follow you my love

He smiles and says I like the sound of that they both smile and start the journey of what seems to be a magical night.

© themindbehindtheprettyface