

The wind beneath my wings
In my life I experienced both good and bad days ..but through it all I always felt the wind beneath my wings. She is my real life angel who helped me endure the adversities I faced in life..
I suffer from depression which was diagnosed at an early age of seventeen ..it began while writing my metric exams.
I'm so thankful to my mum. ..for accompanying me to school every mornings..She prayed for me as I wrote my exams. I passed with a metric exemption by the grace of God ..because I was so sick.

Twenty years had now passed and I still think upon the one. person that was always there for me in my life. She is my mother ..and she is the wind beneath my wings. I could soar like a majestic eagle ...and arise from this illness ..just because my mum kept nudging me along lifes journey.

Today Im honoured to share my story with you ..I hope you are blessed by my story. All blessing and honour ..glory and power belongs to Jesus ...always...for helping me through every difficult moment in my life.

Today I'm experiencing better and brighter days because of God..and also because God blessed me with the best mum..Uptil today she is still there for me ..She helps me endure anything. My mother and I are inseprable. I thank her for being so caring, loving and such a beautiful soul. May God bless my mum always ..