

We are all the same
It is hard to blend with others as a creature who is very different to other living organism. Living in a different world, different environment is very hard.

As a mermaid, it is hard to blend with humans in dry land as you are living in the ocean where you only associate with fishes. People will see you differently from them considering of your appearance, where you live, and your unlikeness compare to what they saw everyday. And that is a facts.

However, it is not really different to how they treat other human being. They treat you how they like to treat you and look for respect they want.

As a mermaid there this one thing they dream of, socialize with other human being in the dry land. Walk in the street with them, and so on. But many people in the dry land is also like a mermaid in the ocean. They are having a hard time to socialize and connect with other human being. Wherein, it is so hard to leave their comfort zone considering they don't want to be mock or judge by others. They also want to be free of everything and be with people they want. But it is not easy.

Everything is not easy. Even you are different creature to others, there is no difference on how they going to treat you. Just on how they see you or just being with you.

© A.G